disapointing to say the least, graphics are just barely on the "oh i c the difference from the 2 consoles" . considering that the 360 is about 4x or 5x more powerful then the xbox, hu, go figure.
Folks, RELAXE!!!!!! you people who LOVE to HATE should take a chill pill because Vista is actually a good OS considering it's infancy. Yes it needs fixes (none of which have effected me) but it will come and YES, this OS from MS is VERY much worth it, TRUST ME! Don't be intimitated by negative thinking FOOLS, they just jealous they don't have the smarts to make a genius OS. Hats off to you MS and best wished with your kick ass work!
I for one purchased Vista Home Premium and I LOVE IT! The interface is clean and very intuative. Oranization is a breeze and cycling through your files and windows is easier then ever. I love the added graphic effects such screen savers and color schemes that you can literally customize by color and translucency. I miss my Windows XP but I get the feeling that will slowly subside being I'm loving Vista. And having Vista dirext X10 structure is a BONUS. Folks plz don't be fooled by those who mock MS for making a good product. They are just jealous that they aren't smart enough to make brilliant programs and money. So all those who make negative remarks are those who have low self esteem and empty bank accounts.
Hiliary's comments