@jawslover but you must be accountable. when your view about a game make a difference in sales, then you have to be more accurate in giving your opinion to people.
@jawslover @Don_Mattrick @cpo335 look at it this way.
are you a halo fan? look up the score of Halo 4, which everyone hates and is statistically getting less players that Reach, and tell me GS is fair.
the always talk about wanting developers to stop making sequels, yet they give a game that most Halo fans think is not perfect, an awesome score. it's really up to the review, if he likes the game just because he likes it, it will get a good score, and if it doesn't have mario in it, well, tom is giving it a bad score :)
love tom, but hate the way he convies his ideas across.
@PeterDuck no accountability man. he possibly reduced the sales of the game by giving a bad score -that now he basically is saying the game deserving a better score- just so that he would get some attention given to him I guess... and now he truns around to make an other attempt at getting hits/views to his editorial.
He seems like a nice guy -from the interviews- but if he reviews watch dogs and there is no Mario look-a-like mask in the game, he will take away 2-3points just for that.
GS makes a controversial editorial/bad review and this happens:
1)more clicks and visits to the editorial, more traffic for the site =better for the advertisers pov.
2)a LOT of comments, which looks good for the site, saying that it is a life and still a hotspot for gamers.
3) something for that feedbackula show to feature, leading to more comments/views ... and the cycle goes on.
Tom is entitled to his opinion, don't read if you know that you will disagree with him. either write down an informed commend telling him what you think is wrong/what he can improve, or there is no reason for such a comment.
however still mr. VanOren -spell?- is the best reviewer here, and should make more reviews imo. he may give a lower score, but he gives reasons for doing that. tom here is kinda bias to Nintendo, but hey, this is a site where opinions are heard.
@valknight @Ultramarinus facebook like I get, preorders is something new here, and I agree with you here.
SimCity preorders were through the roof, and that was a great indicator, but it sank down once it got out. really strange. now companies have to make a really good game to sell, which is good.
Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Crash the Bandicot -spelling?-, the Legend of zelda, Halo, The Elder Scrolls, Civlization, Sim City, Theif, the Witcher, and many man more.
Great game must turn to be franchies the idea is when to stop. most of the titles i mentioned are kinda shitty now save for MG and Civ and a few others.
just know when to stop and everything will be okay.
Hilux-'s comments