^^word, that Sandbox map is insane.
HoVDaHuSTLa1's forum posts
It just feels natural driving through Liberty City listening to some "I'm So Hood Remix" (TL&D) soundtrack, with the windows down bucking at cops.
Just downloaded this really good map pack, kudos to the developers btw. On another note, can I play other matches such as, "Hardcore Team Swat, Lone Wolve, Team Ranked Deathmatch, or any Ranked match period on these maps? Or do we have to wait until the mass majority owns em? Minus the limited gameplay of matches, I feel Bungie did a great job this time around.
my friend has the elite and his came with the play and charge kitsummer_star17x
how recent did he get it?
I was "youtubing" and came across this unboxing video where it shows this dude who never mentions the play and charge kit.
link here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIFQ0pA2dW0&feature=related
But this other link clearly states how Elites come with a play and charge kit right out the box.
link here http://www.engadget.com/2007/03/28/xbox-360-elite-now-official/
I'm confused !!
So I just picked up MGS4 and quickly turned on my PS3 to have my very first online experience with Metal Gear period. Huge fan, (but never played Portable Ops). Anyway, HOW LONG IS THIS DAMN FILE GOING TO TAKE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I LEFT IT ON DOWNLOADING FOR ABOUT A HOUR TO ONLY SEE 5% ON THE PROGRESS BAR!
Does anyone know any alternatives around this? Can I download it on my Mac, burn the data on a CD and uploading it on my PS3? Something ??!!?
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