HolaMiAmor's forum posts
You putting that image in my mind didn't disturb me, I wouldn't want to see it in real life, but for some reason, everything looks less scary in my mind. I can think of somebody getting his head ripped off, but it only disturbs me if I see it. Is that weird? Oh, yeah, it's not a thread, it's a creepypasta, so I'll link the "knowyourmeme" page for it, scary crap right there.[QUOTE="ImBananas"][QUOTE="HolaMiAmor"] Link the thread? And I just pictured an eyeball being poked with a scalpel and seeing thick black blood rush out, and the eyeball kinda deflate and ugh... I'll stop there.ImBananas
Enter at your own discretion, squeamish, you might not wanna click, it has only one image which is not disturbing, but the words gave me nightmares.
Edit: To restate myself, it only has one image, and that image isn't disturbing. I only read it closely after I had posted it.
That didn't really gross me out, it's mostly just that eyeball stuff that makes me sick. That's a creepy sounding video though. It's most likely fake but still.[QUOTE="HolaMiAmor"][QUOTE="Overlord93"]I remember cutting up pig eyes in science class. It was weird, cause they bleed like a thick black liquid. It's really odd.ImBananasomg this is disgusting. I seriously thrw up in my mouth a bit. And I thought I was squeamish? You almost threw up just from seeing those words across your screen? The only time words ever made me come that close to throwing up, I was reading Squidward's Suicide, read that and you probably will throw up...all over your computer monitor, keyboard and everything. Link the thread? And I just pictured an eyeball being poked with a scalpel and seeing thick black blood rush out, and the eyeball kinda deflate and ugh... I'll stop there.
[QUOTE="sonicare"][QUOTE="chaoscougar1"] Will you have someone close by to push them back in? D:ImBananasI've actually seen that. Where someones eye popped out. It doesnt fall out, it just moves out beyond the lids. Looks real freeky. Weird...but can an eye hang down by the optic nerve like they show in movies? The eye's completely out of the head, just hanging by that one string of nerve, is that possible? ew. probly
Lmao can't get over this post. Epic right thereWow. I can't tell you how stupid and immature you must of sounded.
I'm actually getting pissed off here picturing you doing that. Are you serious? My god. I'm never gonna look at you the same way on these forums, i'll always identify you as "that loser who had to hide asking a girl out with a s****y russian accent". Seriously? You might as well not even asked her out at all.I bet your accent sucked too.
If I was there I woulda punched you. .... I seriously woulda decked you through a wall. God****.
Man you genuinely p***** me off.
You know what, f*** you for doing that.
[QUOTE="HolaMiAmor"]Seriously man. Why did you do the russian voice? Were you trying to make her laugh? Or trying to be cute? Were you trying to seem like asking her out wasn't a big deal? Whatever it was, it wasn't good man. Try and make up for that mistake and be serious next time.JoeJoeLaker
I think he was trying to make her laugh, but still.. That's a bit too much.
That's not taking a potential relationship serious.
I agree. I think the best way to get past this is either be straight with her, point out what he did, laugh about it and move on or just move to the next chick. If he chooses the first one, they'll both (probly) forget about that embarrassment and move on and if he doesn't, it will probly stick in their minds as an awkward moment they won't ever bring up.
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