Of course they're gonna say that,.....first of all i find it hard to believe that they're all these lame news of how xbox one sells have gone through the roof this and that and all the lame xbox one commercials here on GS and ive hardly seen any about the ps4.......this site needs to provide equal amount of publicity to all new next gen consoles........meaning, EQUAL amount of commercials for ps4 as much for the xbox one lastly i dont believe a single word about how xbox one sales are up.
Well its pretty much like the buda once said " Not because someone teaches it or someone doctrines it does not make it so " ......for all we know this " new study " may become an " old study " 2 years from now, and will be replaced by another " new study " that will mention that ps4 causes superpowers if used for more than 24 hrs.....i for one am praying for those awesome superpowers ive always wanted :)..............*swwoooooshhh !
So basically what square is saying is that im going to pay for a 30 min cutscene ? how about extra boss fights, a hidden dungeon, more weapons/ upgrades, new enemies, and additional sidequests........srsly is like square has no imagination for synergy.
Nah nah nah this is BS, they put a very nicely done cloud accesory armor on lightning but after the hundreds and thousands of petitions that have been made through-out the years to make FFVII remake or sequel by the fans....i mean think about it, they might as well change lightning's hair and gender and bingo theres your FFVII remake....why they taunt me with this, give the gamers what they want Square-enix.
IDK guys it feels like we shouldn't retire the ps3 yet considering theres werent (IMO) enough rpg;s that came out......for some reason im comparing my ps1 and ps2 experiences......more apples fell from the ps1 and 2 than on 3. they werent enough games :S
Honenheim's comments