>don't ever
You bet.
Boooring. We need you drunk to keep you interesting. I'm taking a break from the smoking lately due to this lovely chronic cough I've had for the last month.
I've had to restart that game at least three f***ing times. Each time with 100% unlocks.
With unlocks for all three characters? Doing it once is a chore...doing it three times is nutty.
GTA4 was where the magic was dying
I found it wasn't THAT big a departure. It only really suffered from repetitive missions which weren't THAT bad since they were still fun. Strangely, the Gay Tony expansion had the most creative missions in the game. I did find the "dates" a bit annoying until I realized you could accept the date, then cancel it afterward and not lose any karma with anyone.
>security guard
That is correct.
Hotel security? I'm touched.
More important would be the illegal drug use.
Quite so. Randomized testing at my job though I haven't been pegged to do it in a year and a half and I wonder if they're even still doing it. As it is, the fear of being caught has worn off. If it happens, it happens. I save up, beotch.
at's another on my "grab used, some day" list.
Grab used? It's like $8 in stores now. Can't see what you're waiting for. Awesome game.
GTA3 was the one that a friend and I really got into, and that stretched into Vice City. San Andreas didn't seem to be turning 'bad' yet but it never hooked me.
I was huge on Vice City...loved the 80's motif and all the 80's music. San Andreas felt a little too long and too big. I've still only played it once since I first bought it. GTA4 seems a little improved from SA to me but not much. Either way, they're still top-notch games. I also played Saints Row 2 which was a lot of fun...plan on getting SR3 whenever they feel like dropping the price (it's been in the $30-$40 range FOREVER). Red Dead Redemption (similar style) was quite good.
>no admitted vices
I'm in the same boat.
I love my vices. I always tell folks that I get less mature as I get older. I had a point when I decided I needed to settle down simply because that's what we're all told we have to do. But then I realized that's garbage and it just takes you from what you like to do. Screw that. Do drugs, screw chicks, go to concerts, waste money, be irresponsible...enjoy life before you have to wear a diaper everywhere. Of course, I don't have kids and never plan on it so I can do say all this stuff. Like DeNiro in Heat..."don't get involved in anything you can't walk away from in ten seconds."
but because if anybody ever forced the issue of requesting my urine I would deliver it in a manner that would render me unemployed.
My job didn't until I was there for a year and a half and they announced the new random test policy. Scared me straight for a year and a half until I realized me and a co-worker had a mutual enjoyment for certain plants. I may try to fool someone into getting me a medical card but it won't stop you getting fired anyway...just keeps you from getting arrested.
-(Bronze Talos) You can make it easier still with AI boundary abuse.
Left side alcove was what I used. Can easily keep the grunts at bay and then work on the Talos. I guess you could use the pool as well.
-Blind him
This could be shortened to "kill grunts, kill cyclops, kill Chronus."
I don't like hats.
I love them. Never go out without my MSU cap.
>Tie I don't even know how to tie a tie.
My first job stupidly required them despite the fact that I'm in a back office position and never, ever talked to actual customers. Quite stupid. Thankfully haven't had to wear one to work since I blew out of that place.
Yes. It was the only way to ensure that when I get old and am put into a home that I have somebody that cares enough to put me in a home with attractive nurses of loose moral standing.
I'm not too excited about nurses since I won't be able to get it up anyway but I am looking forward to assaulting children with my cane and then acting confused when caught.
There's lots of potential for damage to the torso in boxing. Broken ribs, broken sternum, heart palpitations. The world is your oyster in the land of boxing.
Affect the head, baby! Ali didn't need no body blows!
Of course...that's because he's Ali.
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