I'd say GameSpot After Hours was a hit that can be summed up in one word "Awesome"! :D Having experienced a game event in person before, I thought I knew exactly what to expect. Still, this event did manage to surprise me. Coming into it I kinda had a gameplan. Take a quick look around and see everything before I stopped to play any games. I recommend doing this if any of you were to attend one of these events. That way you won't miss anything. :) Close to the entrance was a Lara Croft replica. I got a quick shot of it.
After that I visited each of the indivivual gaming booths. The first game I got my hands on was Splinter Cell: Double Agent. It was the multi-player part of the game. Spies vs Mercenaries. It took a little time to get used to the controls like all games, but easy after I got into it. The multi-player is definitely a fun experience.
I spotted Guitar Hero 2 and had to stop and watch. The lines for the games were kinda long so I went on to look for some free stuff. In total I scored a poster of Justice League Heroes, some Smint gum, A glowing Scion necklace, wristbands, and demo cd. I got a Justice League Heroes comic book. The best part was at the end of the show when I got a GameSpot After Hours T-shirt. Not bad for a free event. They had food there, pizza and other stuff. But there was no chance that I would be buying a bottle of water or soda for $3 :P Luckily I ate before I got there.
In PS3 news, the graphics looked awesome for Full Auto 2, also I'm absoloutely loving the PS3 controller. It feels like the Dual Shock 2. I'm glad they changed it from the boomerang design. The system itself on first glance looked huge, I'm talking bigger than the first xbox. Maybe it was the lighting or something. You kinda forget about all of that when you start playing though. I still can't wait to get it! :D
I got to try out Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. The controls once again took a while to get used to but it's still as fun as ever I spent a while playing that. Using a bunch of different characters. Scorpion, and Cyrax I used quite a bit. I got to mess around with the Fatalities. You get to basically create your own. In a single fatality. I punched a guy in the face, Ripped out a bone from his leg, knocked him on his knees, uppercutted him to his feet, ripped off both his arms, spun him around, and ripped out his heart to end it. A pretty brutal finisher 8)
There was a huge crowd around the Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 area. For obvious reasons I would assume...There was a really comfortable couch right next to it :P The game itself though had pretty sharp graphics, the gameplay was fun and addicting. It had a lot more types of mini games than the first one. Aside from the standard volleyball matches, they also had jetski racing, pool hopping race, flag grabbing and butt bumping. The last two I would normally leave to your imagination, but I actually recorded video on these two. :) I'll upload them soon.
I watched some of the stuff going on onstage, including when they were demoing the Wii with Super Monkey Ball 2 but most of the time I was busy playing games. The last game I was playing before the show ended was Battlefield 2142. I'm not really much of a PC gamer but it was pretty cool. I got several sniper kills, and shot some people in the back as they spawned. It was all in good fun! ;) If this game were on a console I'd definitely get it. It would be awesome on the Xbox 360.
When the event was over I wanted to get a quick shot of "something" before I left. Here it is, this is near the entrance.
It's a good thing I stopped to do this since they started giving away free T-shirts after a lot of people had already left lol. By the end of the night my feet and legs were kinda tired from standing around, but I'd say it was worth it. I can't wait to see what other GS events they will have in the future :D
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