This game should be free for people who bought it digital for PS3 and haven't finished it (which is me cuz of no time), but now I own PS4 and want it to play at higher resolution to have more incentive to finish it but nooo PSN is PSN!!! I bought it there and paid full price so why !!when I spent more money for Sony to buy PS4 I can't play it at better graphics when I already paid full price for the game ...its bull !!and money grab to pay for same game just for visuals.
@Saidrex You right in your review and I bet price of it drops pretty quickly. Nvidia already giving it out for free with purchase of their Ge-Force GTX cards...
I remember playing Dune strategy game during one summer when I was a kid. My room was so sunny and hot I actually felt like in the game lol which was in desert setting. Right now I probably wouldn't play it in those conditions without proper AC but back then I was like in different world and I loved it :) Wish I still had this enthusiasm about games like back in days ohh well
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