Great score. Im tired of all these old good game names like Resident Evil, XCOM and now Hitman being abused to make some average dumbed down action packed game with small areas so kids dont get lost while playin
We only checked our solar system and hes saying theres no life in bilions of other systems like ours lol. Recently they found in Kepler system a planet thats almost same distance from its sun as Earth so now without getting there and check it for ourselves we cant say theres no life.
@jack00 You right!! Game requires u to use auction house to proceed in game looks like it. I got same problem I have a feeling Blizzard went down the drain with Diablo 3. Not even half as good as Diablo 2 was
Inferno is already a farm fest with ppl coming for couple minutes to kill elite/boss then leaving....with real money AH I suspect it will be even more farm without ppl actually trying to complete something....boringgggggg
Perfect score for ths game! Its a very good game but its nothing compared to impact of first 2 tites when they came out. They took too long to make it and really I dont see all these 12 years of making in this game
They shouldnt allow downloadable version untill a week later thats where they messed up. U can easly count how many ppl be playing the game from preorders but not when milions ppl downloading game as soon it launches.
HuSSaR83's comments