Lived in Downtown Cleveland for two years or so. Wasn't for me. Citys have their ups and downs but I prefer a more rural area to a city. Not farmland rural but not big apple busy either. The thing I did like was not needing a car. Loved having a strip of clubs, bars, and resturants all together. The night life was great. So definitely a visit for me, wouldn't live there.
Hubadubalubahu's forum posts
I haven't seen steven seagul in a while.[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"]
Steven Seagal.
Unfortunately he is still acting somehow. Got some tv shows going. He plays a cop and fights criminals, nothing has changed.
That was strange. She said two sentences about the book and they were the same thing. "This is a paper back version". Then to nearly fall towards the end when getting up to leave, yeah I would say she probably drank a bit much. Love the moron in the comments who says "She was clearly high though, I'm guessing on pot".
So in other words hub your just arguing because it makes us feel good and protects our self interest we should be ?Moral?? I put it in quotation marks as I don?t see that is moral, it seems just the natural process of life which has no more meaning or value than anything else we do. Im just not convinced this is a real morality or makes morality ultimately binding on the individual.
I'm just going to let you actually think about what I have said instead of get into an argument with you about it, it's just my two cents. I will give you a hint though; it has nothing to do with self interest.
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="Reverse-Machete"] She did have a show.Reverse-Machete
You should link a youtube or something if you have time. I would be interested to see this atrocity.
I am trying, It wasn't full though, she also had a few ties with TLC. Which has had low rating ever since, or that's what the rumor is. Would not be surpirsed. Trying to see if I can find full episodes instead of clips.I googled a bit and found something about a sitcom called "Just The 15 Of Us". Can not tell if it is real or not or if it just got canceled at the pilot episode.
I think that quote mistates the theistic proposition on morality. that is its not so much atheists can't be moral, they very much can be, but they can't account for that morality or justify it.
What's the point of being moral if God doesn't exist? It's the same "point" that people should acknowledge if God does exist: because the happiness and suffering of other human beings matter to us such that we should seek, whenever possible, to increase their happiness and decrease their suffering. It's also the "point" that morality is required for human social structures and human communities to survive at all. Neither the presence nor the absence of any gods can change this, and while religious theists may find that their beliefs impact their moral decisions, they cannot claim that their beliefs are prerequisites for making any moral decisions at all.
Morally speaking, it really shouldn't matter whether any gods exist or not - the happiness and suffering of others should play an important role in our decision making either way. The existence of this or that god could, in theory, also have an impact upon our decisions - it all really depends upon how this "god" is defined. When you get right down to it, though, the existence of a god can't make it right to cause people suffering or make it wrong to cause people to be more happy. If a person is not a sociopath and is genuinely moral, such that the happiness and suffering of others really matters to them, then neither the presence nor absence of any gods will fundamentally change anything for them in terms of moral decisions.
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