I think it's bs how I am supposed to pay for an internet connection and then also pay microsoft to play games that I also paid for online, BULL****! I think Sony would have to think about it because they have used the whole PSN being free gig as a big marketingn strategy to attract users. However, if they expand the PSN to be something so big that it'll start costing them alot of money to run then they might be forced to start charging. I for one am satisfied with it. If I can connect to a game, and play it and leave and do it any time later on then I'm happy with PSN. I don't need or want all this extra bs that XBOX live has. I'd rather have a free membership with less options. Because let's not forget, when it comes down to it, you're more or less paying the money for the ability to play games online, not edit your personal emoticons in your profile or watever.
However, back to the idea of if it starts costing Sony alot that they might have to start it. It might or might not happen. Because Sony has a history with the PS2 and PS3 duh of losing quite a bit of money just to later get a bigger profit. So if they expand to be larger than xbox live and still make it free, it'll cost them alot but if it attracts 120 million unit sales in the long run like PS2 then they will end up making a crap load of money from and all the game sales. Cuz imagine it, 120 million units x atleast 10 games per system. ALOTTTT of money.
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