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Game Pickups 2/4/11

Sup guys. This will be my last blog until I return. Made some pickups today and just about cleaned out my entire VG fund :P No worries, it was bound to happen at some point, hehe. I picked up some interesting stuff, some of which I have been chasing after for quite a while, but couldn't quite find myself any sellers. I guess thats one of the hassles of being a collector, huh?

PS3 -

Little Big Planet 2

Yes, a lot of you have been trying to coerce me into buying LBP2. I finally caved in and bought the dam thing.

XBOX 360 -

Tenchu Z

I actually got a copy of this today preowned. I'd prefer it if I could get a new copy but oh well this is actually in good condition. Its an older game but never actually had the oppertunity to play it yet. This also completes my Tenchu collection for now.


Played it over my friends house back when it first came out, and liked it enough to now finally go buy a copy. Its in new condition btw.

Fist Of The North Star Ken's Rage

I actually had plans to buy this 2 months ago but the gamestop near me was sold out, so I kind of just put it further back on my list, and got some other stuff at the time.

Two Worlds II

I skipped out on the PC version for the X360 version... something I don't normally do.

Also guys, I picked up some more microsoft points. I filled up my account with 4000 :D. I have no idea what to get from the market place at this time. I have a few general ideas that I have been wrestling with in my head but I was hoping maybe you guys can help me decide, lol. I am a big fan of shootemups like guwange, and ikaruga for example. They do have Zeit 2, I have been considering it but idk... it just doesn't look that interesting based off of what I have seen on youtube and such.

PC -

Dead Space 2

Eh, I didn't get a kick out of the first Dead Space, in fact I thought it was just ok. Running around and performing menial tasks kind of gets boring for me after a while. However, I have played far worse games before, and am willing to give this a shot when I have free time.


The Mafat Conspiracy.

Got a copy of this in my mail today. This is kind of rare and I have been wanting it for a long time. Finally have it and its one more for my large NES collection.

Now there are 4 other games I am expecting to arrive in the mail that have not come yet. I was kind of expecting them to arrive today. Two of them I got for free because someone donated them, and the other two I bought off of a trader off the web. Yeah their all NES games. I'll save those for a later blog when I get back in about 2 weeks.

Going inactive for some time

Hey, I just wanted to tell everyone I will be inactive on gamespot for about a week, maybe a little while longer, two weeks the most depending on how hectic things get in my life. Been putting in a lot more hours at work since I need the money, and a lot of other important stuff has been bogging down my free time (I might be moving soon to another house). So if you don't see me checking up on some of your blogs you'll know why :x. I plan to make some game pickups tomorrow and when I get back, I will throw up a blog about it :D

Tag... But I don't want to play =P

Yay, I got tagged by Harbringer27S. Actually, it was a request for a video tag but I'm afraid I don't have a video camera :( Hey its not like this is youtube! :D This one is just sports and vg themed...

Favorite NFL Team: The Vikings!

Favorite NBA Team: The Lakers

Favorite NHL Team: I don't follow hockey.

Favorite Soccer Team: Don't follow soccer either :lol: I do however like to play the Fifa series sometimes.

Favorite MMA Fighter: Don't watch MMA either... my rings outside ;)

Favorite Boxer: I have a couple favorites here, some are old school, while others are more modern. Lennox Lewis, Marco Antonio Barrera, Joe Calzaghe (hey who doesn't love Joe?), Jack Dempsey, and Rocky Marciano.

Favorite Golf Player: hah none don't watch

Favorite MLB Team: Red Sox

Thats about it for what Harb listed for sports but I'm going to add a few others just for the sake of it, ones that I am an avid follower of, also in case the next people I tag follow any that I list :P

Skateboarding: Rune Glifberg

Snowboarding: Travis Rice

Motocross: Ryan Dungey

Yeah, that about covers it for sports. I'm not a real hardcore sports fan to boot. The sports I follow the most are NFL, NBA when I can, motocross, and of course boxing. I've been a big fight fan ever since my uncle took me to the fights when I was younger.

What got you into video gaming: Honestly, I don't even know. I guess if your looking to hear an interesting story on how I broke into gaming, mines not. In order to make this blog interesting however I will fabricate a story to keep my readers' attention, lol no... I'm just kidding. My earliest video gaming experiences that I remember was from going to the local arcades to play some donkey kong. I really didn't even like the game. It wasn't until my parents bought me a Commodore 64 that thats what got me into the gaming culture. A lot of gamers started out on the SNES, others the NES, and much older gamers probably the Atari 2600. Me, I started out on the C64 so its probably kind of an awkward platform of gaming to start with. The first c64 game I actually played was Turrican. I'd say my next system that I was introduced to was the NES.

Favorite VG Character(s): Hmm.. Sam Fisher, The Punisher, Dante, Simon Belmont, Link, and Hunk (Resident Evil)

Biggest Mistake In Gaming: Can't say that I have any.

Biggest Accomplishment In Gaming: Well I have two answers for this one. The first one is I am a VG aficiando so that has turned me into quite a collector over the years. I own an extensive amount of VGs as well as consoles. Owns well over 2500 games and almost every console out there including the handhelds. My other accomplishment is something I like to call trophies. For some people its maybe getting all said achievements in certain games, maybe just beating a rather difficult game is one. Me I am just infatuated with challenges and thats how I get my highs. I'm more of a perfectionist you can say, most of the time making attempts to clear games without losing a life or getting hit. I than record my gameplay in its entirety and keep videos as "trophys". Its something I have been doing for a long time and have built up quite a collection (I actually have 190 games in videos I have done over the years). Its very fun and gives me something to shoot for in my spare time. I love to bring out the old video collections and rewatch some of the work I've done, maybe shouting at myself because I can't believe I made a few small mishaps, hehe. Or maybe coming to a revelation that I now realize I did better than I once thought I did on a particular game.

Favorite Video Games: I'll just name a few; a) Link To The Past b) The Guardian Legend c) Super Mario Bros 3 d) Metro 2033 e) MGS 3 & 4 f) Castlevania 2

Now for the tagging part. Gonna have some fun with this, heh. Oh btw, responding to tags is optional. If you don't want to participate you don't have to. No worries. Since I was video tagged, I'm going to say this can be done in a blog if you don't want to post a video if your not comfortable or don't own a camera.

I tag;

@snes_vs_ps1 get your butt in here! You need to blog more son!!

@soulless4now tagged since you like me so much

@undergroundfrog tagged as well lol. Wait until I make a tag of my own... your the first I target =P

@Hellfire-1 tagged hey were from the same state so I just had to =) Also ur a cool guy

@ForsakenWicked Tagged. Have not heard from you in a while =P

@widdowson91 Tagged. You always structure some of the most well thought blogs I have come across.

@spooky102 Tagged. Always great hearing from ya.

If you haven't been tagged, dont worry about it have not forgotten ya :P Only so much time atm and can't get to everyone.

The Most Frustrating Games Ever Played (Continued)

As promised, I am going to wrap up my "Most Frustrating Games Ever Played" series where I pick what I find to be the hardest of the hardcore games that have tested both my patience and skills throughout the 20 years I've been gaming. Now I have gotten some feedback from the first blog I did where users would randomly suggest some games for me to add to this entry. Some were unique games that I have never quite heard before like a few Doujin games, or some being the most obvious of choices like Contra 3, while others even suggested more recent current gen games such as Hexic HD, or Trials which has been around for some time. Those are are "just ok" choices, but not quite what I had in mind for the roughest in existence. I know difficulty is subjective at best, but there are some games out there that just tend to break the barrier, and questioning the legitimacey of their difficulty ratings is something that shouldn't be done. To bring everyone up to speed on what I chose for last time (part 1's blog);

1. Tower Of Druaga NES

2. Battletoads NES

3. Dragon's Lair NES

4. I Wanna Be The Guy PC

5. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou PS2

BTW these aren't reviews...

Todays choices;

1. Super Mario Bros. Frustration NES (Rom Hack)

Couldn't find any decent pictures to display here, but there are a few videos I would like to show off that does showcase this rom hacks level of difficulty. These are TAS tool assisted speedruns before anyone asks.

This romhack is also known as Super Mario Forever (its just a modified version of SMB 1) which was recommended to me by a fellow gamespotter by the name of Trapt4859 who frequently has problems with some of the romhacks later levels. Hey Trapt, have you checked under your bed recently? I'm sure your missing life is there somewhere.. I'm just kidding lol. I have been playing this hack myself for around a year now, and its one of those things where no matter how well you have mastered it, keeps biting you in the a$$. It gets easier the more you play it just like with anything else however there are limitations on that. Some of the jumps over at 1-2 often a times throw me off and are a tell tale sign of grim things to come. If your average at platformer games like megaman, or mario in general this hack will certainly improve your game. Of course even for the casual gamer they might get a kick out of this but to actually complete this will take motivation, some time, and a lot more if your aim is to get super good at it.

2. Death Smiles NA (North American Version)

Death Smiles is a horizontal side-scrolling danmaku from shootemup specialist Cave. This game first debuted in 2007 in the Arcades and was later ported to the X360. The first port was region-locked thus requiring the player to own a Japanese X360. After that came the localization state side in the US by company Aksys. Normally I wouldn't of added DS to this list because it is pretty tame for a bullet hell when you look at how it was in its original state. Whats the problem then you might ask? Well at the time of me actually writing this Cave is supposed to be working on a slow down patch although little is known about it at the moment. The problem with the NA version is that the slowdowns are removed thus the game is sped up like contra when originally it wasn't like this... not on the JP release... not even on the arcades. This changes everything and has a staggering effect (not a good one I might add) on both difficulty and in game scoring. If you were to run two videos of the game side by side both the arcade/jp versions against the NA version you can clearly tell how much milking potential is lost for scoring in the NA variant. I don't really play any game for a high score but this alone alienates veteran shootemup fans. For those unaware of the games difficulty, it does have different settings, and lvl 3 is a decent challenge on the NA version, Once you master lvl 3 stages including the extra stages ice palace and the gorge, you'll find yourself wanting to take your skills to the next level. lvl 999 however is next to impossible to get the true tyrant achievement unless of course you got yourself an achievement unlocker. The huge gap in difficulty from 3 to 999 is so big not even rosanne barr can cover it on the NA version. I'm all for a good challenge so as long as its attainable I've even 1 Lifed Dragons Lair for the NES. In short, DS is a good game, but if your a completionist in achievements you might want to skip out on this one, or wait until the slowdown patch comes.

The above is a 2 Player co-op video Let's Play done on lvl 999 difficulty. Just something to throw out there I found...

3. Nam-1975 Arcade & Neo Geo

Image won't display ^

Nam-1975 is a contra type shootemup for the Neo Geo Arcade and Neo Geo CD released in 1990 by SNK.

I actually own a copy of this game on a real neo geo. Whilst it being an underrated gem, its very fun to play as well as it packs an unrelenting punch in difficulty after the first couple stages. No fan of Contra should pass this up. There are 6 stages to the game, pretty short, however the game does not let you continue if you die on the final boss of stage 6 so its a one shot deal. You may credit feed up until that point and playing on the normal setting shouldn't be to hard to clear, however at higher difficulty settings it does get overwhelming. Who would want to play on normal anyhow? =) It does also include 2 player support if you can get a friend to play it with you, I suggest bringing this one out randomly. Its a long grind to the top but with enough practice the reward for creaming this game is satisfying. You are given a run and roll feature to dodge the barrage of bullets from incoming enemy fire. Most of the difficulty stems from memorizing enemy attack patterns and how quick your reflexes are. You'll also find yourself getting boxed in a lot especially on stages 4-6 If your looking for a challenge ignore the base level difficulty, and max it out.

4. Lightning Fighters aka Trigon JPN Arcade

Lightning Fighters was released by Konami circa 1990 when they delved into Raiden territory. It was quite an impressive feat for their first outing. This is without a shadow of a doubt one of the hardest shootemups ever made, and its pretty obscure even though it was made by Konami. I've done my fair share of asking around and I can't say that I have ran into many retro gamers who have even heard of this. To this day no known players have been able to pull off a deathless 1cc run of this game which is almost unheard of for shootemups. The checkpoints in this game are pretty lousy (unless you play the japanese version Trigon) which boast getting you killed upon reentry after you die. This is about as close to bullet hell as your going to get without actually playing a real bullet hell. Quite a few of the bosses coupled by numerous blind spots at later stages can get rediculous. The last boss is quite formidable as he throws his armor at you at a 40 degree angle at blazing fast speeds. I would say to give this a go due to the novelty of it alone. Good shootemups are a rare breed and having a look back into the past can certainly broaden your perspective on how shooters have evolved over time, and maybe even appreciate the way difficulty has transcended over the years.

Bonus Stage Marathons For Charity Reminder

Hey guys. I recently posted a blog about Bonus Stage Marathons some time ago but since its happening tomorrow I thought I would reissue it just in case some of you maybe missed it the first time or forgot about it.

Bonus Stage Marathons is a group ran by CornShaqGaming, and is hosted 4 times yearly. Each marathon has a sort of "theme" going for it. For example the one coming up on January 27th-30th is Disney themed games. It is a 72 hour marathon streamed live. More info can be found out @ All donations made at this weeks marathon will be going to the Multiple Sclerosis Research. Thanks guys in advance if you could chip in.

Finally bought a PS3... AGAIN

Hey everybody, just a quick blog update for today. Yep. Went to GameStop a few hours ago to buy a PS3. In addition to purchasing a PS3 160gb hd I also picked up some games to go along with it. Now, I already had games I had bought for it months ago, playing on my friends PS3 for the longest time. I actually owned a PS3 years ago but sadly it broke :(. Can thank my dog for that! You know... he also knocked over my xbox 360 when I had my copy of Death Smiles in it? Oh why couldn't he of broke a game I hate =P. Dam I only had a few achievements left to go on that one. I still have to rebuy the dam game. Anyway, enough about my misfortune, and often a times bad luck =x. Wondering if anyone here has any recommendations for PS3 games? So far, I was only able to afford 3 for now;

1. Metal Gear Solid 4 The Guns Of The Patriots

2. Siren Blood Curse

3. Gran Turismo 5

Yeah, money well spent ;) I'm going to try to build up my PS3 collection casually. Right now my focus has been on a lot of the older cl@ssic systems such as the NES, SNES, in some cases the Atari 2600. Theres a lot of games for those systems that I still need to buy in order to complete my collection. This of course brings me to my game list collection on gamespot. I been getting lazy with that, I do plan to finish finalizing my collection one day, but its probably going to take forever, hehe. I have well over 2500 games now, dont know the exact number since only half of my collection is at my house. I think once I find the time to get a camera, get all my stuff together... what I'll do is take a picture of my collection, make a long blog about it, throw some pictures up :)

Anyhow, it feels great to actually own a PS3 again. If you guys have any games you would think I would find interesting, feel free to comment.

Greatest Martial Arts Films Of All Time Part 1

Before I get started with this blog, I'm only going to be doing the first 6 due to time constraints, just to let you all know. Also this isn't going to be a top 10 or top 20 like some of my other blogs I've done in the past, but rather movies thrown out there in any order (example; I can't say one movie is better than the other think their all good, and exceeded my expectations). For some films if their apart of a series, I may just add them all into one slot. In all I'll probably do a mention of 25 films. If you have any suggestions of what I should add, feel free to comment.

1. Undisputed 2 & 3

If your like me, have watched the first Undisputed, and got bored with it don't skip out on the 2 sequels after it. They both are leaps and bounds better than the original in almost every area ie; fight choreography, character development, production values, and even acting to a certain extent.

Undisputed 2 - Better than the original imo, and about on par with part 3 Redemption. Some of the fights could have been longer especially the last one Boyka vs. Chambers. On a technical level, a lot of the fight scenes were very well done. Adkins really makes use of his talent and was perfect for his role of Yuri Boyka. Hes a great actor and thats very, very rare for a martial arts star. To give a brief summation of the story, its really no different than your average prison fight film, only this one is done better. George "Iceman" Chambers (after losing to Wesley Snipes character in the first film) played by Michael Jai White ends up being framed by a mobster for a crime he didn't commit in order to be coerced into fighting in a prison tournament against Boyka (its a gambling racket between a mobster and the warden).

Undisputed 3 - Same as part 2. But I'm starting to notice a pattern here... in every one of the Undisputed films the "supposed" bad guy/villain loses in the previous movie comes back to be the hero in the sequel. I think the writers tried to hard to craft a villain when they weren't really the villains just misunderstood. Story is as follows... Boyka loses to Chambers in part 2 and is left with a serious leg injury not being able to compete anymore until one day starts training to get back into competition. He learns theres a tournament where the ultimate prize is freedom. Great movie but I seriously hope the guy they used here as the "villain" isnt in the next Undisputed because he has no charisma at all... very 2 dimensional.

2. Bloodsport 1

Instant cl@ssic. Its also something every fight fan has to of watched atleast once... me I have seen this a hundred times lol. I'm not a fan of Van Damme but I'll give the man his dues, hes made some great movies in his time, this being one of them no doubt about it. Its a shame it has the rating that it has on IMDB, but hey whoever said those voting sites are fair :). I won't bother going into the story much because I assume everyones seen this by now, and knows what this is. If not... well its based on the real life person Frank Dux (whos a fraud I might add) who claimed to fight in an underground elite tournament called the Kumite against the worlds best fighters. Its a great martials arts film but I happen to believe Bloodsports part 2 and 3 are better.

3. Bloodsport 2 & 3

Bloodsport 2 & 3 - Both of these are slightly better than the original Bloodsport. Much more character development for Alex Cardo than Frank Dux however the fight scenes are around the same. Part 2 is about Alex who steals the Katana not knowing its given to the winner of the Kumite tournament. He gets caught, thrown in prison, and than learns about the Kumite. Bloodsport 3 is more of an add on story to Bloodsport 2 Alex refuses to fight in a Kumite tournament hosted by a mob boss (gambling racket) and the mob boss takes revenge by killing his teacher.

4. District B13

Great martial arts action scenes here as well as parkour, and its nonstop! This is an underrated gem and worth seeing now if you can get a copy of the dvd. Its in french but there are dubbed versions available, and maybe you can get this off of netflix. Alittle bit about the movie... Its set in the ghettos of Paris in the year 2010. An undercover cop and an ex thug try to infiltrate a gang in order to defuse a neutron bomb. Famed writer Luc Besson wrote the story and as usual he never ceases to amaze, and captivate audiences. Its not his best work to date but its up there. Now there is a sequel called District B13 Ultimatum but its nowhere near as good as the original imho.

5. Under Siege

Ah, Seagal needs no introduction. I believe Under Siege to be one of his better films out there along with Above The Law. Sadly hes declined in recent years with bad dtv releases. One complaint though, why is it all his fight scenes are pretty much one sided? He never gets hurt lol. Anyway the story is simple, some terrorists hijack a US Naval battleship, and its up to Casey Ryback to save the day. Maybe some day we will see a Under Siege 3 =). I'm not holding my breath on that one though.

6. American Ninja 1-2

Remember the ninja craze of the 80s? American Ninja did just that by cashing in on it. If you don't mind bad acting and cliched storylines might want to give American Ninja 1 and 2 a watch. The fight scenes are awesome. To sum the story up of American Ninja 1... An American soldier who has suffered from amnesia fights mercenary ninjas in the phillipines, doesn't get better than that. Part 2 is equally as good but like with part 1, all fights are one sided. I guess it suits the main character well since hes a ninja master :). The plot for part 2 is somewhat reminiscent to that of part 1. On a caribbean island, a criminal kidnaps a local scientist so he can use him to create an army of mutant ninjas.

Thats it for this blog. Before anyone asks, lol I do have plans to add some Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris movies in my next blogs, so don't worry I haven't forgotten.

My Top 10 Favorite Bands/Artists

Brief blog update.

Not only being an avid collector of video games and films, I also have accumulated quite an extensive collection of music over the years. As if spending all my money on games wasn't enough, hehe. Some tough choices here, but the top 10 personal favorites are:

1. Slipknot

This band kicks a$$. I consider myself a pretty big heavy metal aificonado, own every album of Slipknots! My favorite album of theirs is The Subliminal Verses. One of the few bands that just keep getting better with age. Slipknot has rocked out 4 albums to date 1. Slipknot 2. Iowa 3. Subliminal Verses Vol. 3 4. All Hope Is Gone

2. Stone Sour

Stone Sour was formed in Des Moines Iowa in 1992. They disbanded 5 years later when Corey Taylor and Jim Root joined Slipknot. Stone Sour has 3 consecutive studio albums to date; 1. Stone Sour 2. Come Whatever May and 3. Audio Secrecy. I saw these guys live in concert back in '07 (the last concert I have been to date :( ).

3. God Smack

God Smack is a heavy metal band from Lawrence, Massachusetts formed in 1995. GodSmack has released 5 studio albums, one EP, four DVDs, and one greatest hits collection. Studio Albums consist of 1. Godsmack 2. Awake 3. Faceless 4. IV 5. The Oracle. I didn't start getting into Godsmack honestly until the Faceless album debuted. Loved most of their music ever since :).

4. Smashing Pumpkins

Godsmack just barely beats Smashing Pumpkins imho, hehe. Its a tough call. A few years ago I probably would have said otherwise. None the less a great band and worthy of their recognition. 1. Gish 2. Siamese Dream 3. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 4. Adore 5. Machina/The Machines Of God 6. Machina II/The Friends & Enemies Of Modern Music 7. Zeitgeist 8. Teargarden by Kaleidyscope.

5. Taproot

One of the lesser known hard rock/grunge bands out there. I own all of their albums, and they never cease to amaze me. Favorite album of mine is The Gift, but their all good. 1. Something more than nothing 2. Upon Us 3. The Gift 4. Welcome 5. Blue-Sky Research 6. Our Long Home Road 7. Plead The Fifth. I'm hard pressed to find anyone who has heard of Taproot o.O or maybe its just my bad luck hehe.

6. 36 CrazyFists

One of the more prominent heavy metal bands out there, 36 Crazy Fists has released six studio albums to date. 1. In The Skin 2. Bitterness The Star 3. A Snow Capped Romance (my favorite) 4. Rest Inside The Flames 5. The Tide And Its Takers 6. Collisions and Castaways

7. Blank Theory

Cool indie band but they since went inactive from 2005 onwards (their vocalist and bassist formed Madina Lake). Only released 3 albums to date, two of which are EPs. 1. Blinding Process EP 2. Catalyst EP 3. Beyond The Calm Of The Corridor.

8. Paul Oakenfold

The best trance DJ artist out there! If you haven't listened to Oakenfold, clearly your not a music lover ;P. Studio Albums consist of 1. Bunkka 2. A Lively Mind. DJ Tools; 1. Bust A Groove 2. Sampladelica The Roots Of Paul Oakenfold 3. The Ultimate DJ Sample Box DJ Mixes; 1. Goa Mix 2. Journeys By DJ 5: Journey Through The Spectrum 3. A Voyage Into Trance 4. Perfecto Fluoro 5. Fantazia Presents The House Collection 6 6. Cream Anthems 97 7. Global Underground 004 8. Tranceport 9. Global Underground 007 10. Resident: Two Years Of Oakenfold At Cream 11. Perfecto Presents The Traveling. Yeah, I own most of this guys work, favorite being Ready Steady Go (the korean version being featured in the movie "Collateral").

9. Papa Roach

No introduction here, pretty straight forward. Releases 1. Old Friends From Young Years 2. Infest 3. Lovehatetragedy 4. Getting away with murder 5. The Paramour Sessions 6. Metamorphosis 7. Time For Annhilation.

10. Evanescence

Fell in love with her work after The Fallen album. Also saw her in concert once with my g/f :). Yeahh, she got me into evanescence. 1. Fallen 2. The Open Door 3. Anywhere But Home 4. Origin 5. My Immortal 6. Going Under 7. Everybody's Fool 8. Lithium 9. Maximum Evanescence 10. Call Me When You're Sober 11. Bring Me To Life

Would Like to hear you my blog readers' favorite artists :)

ATTN! Shootemup fans Eschatos, Bullet Soul, DFK BL, MMP/PS

Just going to keep this blog short, and to serve as a reminder. Maybe some of you are following this stuff, maybe not... But for those who are fans of the shootemup genre heres a list of upcoming games I took some interest in. I'm mostly psyched about Bullet Soul & DFK

Starting off with Eschatos... heres what appears to be the final box cover art...

Eschatos X360

Eschatos is a manic bullet hell shooter from the folks at Qute. Its going to be released in Japan sometime March 2011 from what some shops are saying, if that changes I'll edit this. No word on whether or not if its going to be region free. I hope it is. Eschatos will include Judgement Silversword and Cardinal Sins which are two Wonderswan games. So if your a VG collector and would want to get your hands on those games, this package is for you. Yeah, me personally, I don't own a copy of Judgement Silversword, I been wanting to get it, but can't find anyone looking to sell. Heres a link to a gameplay video of Eschatos on the X360;

Bullet Soul X360

Definitely looking forward to this one. I been following this beast since August 2010. According to the games official website, its slated for release on April 07, 2011 says a blog. Hopefully this doesn't get pushed back. I do like the idea of bullet cancelations turning white and continuing on their trajectory, some don't. Can't wait to see the achievements for this. This isn't made by Cave either but by 5PB.

Do Don Pachi DaiFukkatsu Black Label X360 Feb. 3, 2011

Because of this, those of you who don't already own a Japanese 360, buy one... :) I only hope the arrange mode on BL doesn't become broken.Will be getting my copy from play asia. However, I have heard their working on a localization of DFK.

Muchi Muchi Pork & Pink Sweets X360 Feb 24, 2011

Region Free folks! Used to play these in the arcade when they were first released. Not worth overlooking, def. worth the purchase.

The double pack includes both Muchi Muchi Pork and Pink Sweets.

Bonus Stage Marathons For Charity

On January 27th-30th, Bonus Stage Marathons which is a group ran by CornshaqGaming will be doing a 72 hour hour marathon event of Disney games. If you go to, you can find out more information there. This group does about 4 marathons yearly to help raise money for charity. Each Marathon is different, some are resident evil themed, some silent hill etc. Go help out, and donate if you can. Thanks.

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