haha, as long as someone doesn't steal those pachinko balls that you trade for money vouchers, it would be worth it!
HushRong's forum posts
"Hello, is it me you're looking for?"
That would be cool to play at a pachinko.
After I woke back up from the seizures the trailers gave me haha.:P
Okay, I'm back with my opinion. DC Universe Online is certainly worth a look. It's an enjoyable game and it's the only free MMORPG on the PS3 right now. I recommend that everyone with a PS3 get it and at least give it a try.ShaunyP
Yeah, I heard that this is a pretty cool game!
and Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been around. Classes are killing me...for the time being!
Hey yo everybody!
Been too busy on my end :( with stuff here and there but wanted to say HI.
: / maybe his internets is broken? :O
Regardless, we shall have a toast in hi name.OmegaAce1313
I'll toast to anything so long as the drink is good :)
Yeah, I do remember he did cut his internet as well at some point. When that happens...you do stop coming to many forums on the net. Its happened to me a few times.
First off, Ecchi, totally not a word to look up on the internet while in the presence of others. At least I know what that means now.
I just sent an email to e1 a few seconds ago...and even tried to facebook stalk him. Facebook still wont let me add him as a friend still.
Happy Birthday E1SHW!
Where has he been? Hrmmmmm.
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