Hello Everyone! How are you all doing? Plenty of graduation parties and stuff happening with anybody? Any cool plans for the summer!
For myself, I am on my way to becoming a Pokemon Master once again. The latest Pokemon game has been fun and entertaining. I have to say, I think I will get my monies worth out of it. I am thinking of picking up either Killzone 3 now or waiting for WH40K Space Marine for a console game this summer.
Other than that, I am taking a summer course and looking to get a part timer. I NEED MOAR GAS MONEY! Also...I think i popped my right arm out of its socket playing Power Throw on Wii Bowling. If it popped one more time after the initial pop...everything is alright, right?
Also, the semester is almost done and I have had time to relax this weekend and got a start on Pokemon Cacausian. My sister and I also got my mother a Wii for mothers day. So far she likes it...but yells at it when playing bowling.
I do not think I will be seeing it this weekend :( I am trying to but other things may pop up.
Plus, I still have a few papers to write for the end of the semester. I have logged almost 50 hours in a library...my brain is starting to hurt my 'knowing things' expanding inside my head!
The people I work with are saying that the new Nintendo console will finally be HD compatible. They also claim that it will be more powerful than an Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. I don't believe what they are telling me. It sounds so unlike Nintendo to be working on a console that is that powerful. What is power these days anyway? I don't even know what people mean by "power" anymore.
Can anyone shed some light on this subject for me? OmegaAce1313
You obviously need your scouter to figure that out. Much like theone worn fashionably by Vegeta here:
If it the readings exceed 9000!...then you are in for some serious business!
I know a bunch of you cats are into Blazblue. They just released one of them on XBL Games on Demand. It's called Calamity Trigger. Is that the more recent version, or was it the first? I'd like to know before I make any kind of concrete purchasing decisions.GreggD
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