Well from what i can see it looks like a total reboot of the DMC story. Maybe another chance to have a fresh start. I too was dissapointed with DMC4.
you're right hombre. i read like 23 words randomly from this article and saw it was to re-debut DMC...well...DmC now it seems.
i honestly have to say that i like dante with white hair and being a rockstar...this scrawny-emo Dante has me worrying.
i am afraid i am going to miss lines like:
"you've heard it havent you? the legend of Sparda?...But I discovered that the so-called legend wasn't a myth at all. Sparda existed. How do I know? Well... I met the sons of Sparda. *Both* of them." -Lady
as for a reboot of the series...i do think that is in order. the Manga wasnt that great, the anime wasnt that great, and half of the games made me wish i was never born.
man...i am in a DMC mood...OFF TO FIND MY PS2 GAMES!
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