@cuthbert51: actually... a significant number of major retailers and maybe the manufacturers used to report directly to NPD. They had real numbers. Journalists would (and still do) subscribe to NPD data. It seems participation in hardware data has declined significantly.
The only issue I have with them pointing to Steam as a demo is that people have to pay for the game. Then there's the wait while Steam processes your refund. So you are asking Steam to hold ?$60 for the privilege to ty this game. Where on console, you can play the demo without any financial burden. I understand limited resources and why they choose consoleS over PC.
@akassassin11: but it's not like long load times haven't been an issue since I-don't-know-when...
I feel GameSpot is picking on this game for some reason or another.
Otherwise why didn't they do a REAL feature on long load times in today's gaming industry with this just 1 out of many examples?
The staff may have just jumped onto some forum post where someone complained and ran with it for this story. Which is bad journalism. Something Ganespot has been falling into over the past few years... no real journalism; just snipping a few quotes here and there and turning them into stories and copying other sites stories. GameSpot used to make efforts to do real features. This article is just (ಥ﹏ಥ).
Ever load up GTA V? It's initial load is fairly long also and for similar reasons due to open world structure and how it helps for in-game loading.
It seems odd to be bringing this game up and making it a story for long load times when you're only talking about the initial load of an open world game.
Sure; I believe there is probably some unexcusably bad code in there that is adding to the load times and that may be able to be performed, but again, this is an initial load.
I have nostalgic feelings of the old days where games loaded so quickly from cartridges that when "please wait..." and "loading..." came about it put a big hamper on the excitement for just jumping into a game.
I really, very much so dislike that loading screens even exist outside of just for a smooth user experience - like a transition from one scene of a movie to another. But picking on this game seems over the top. Why use this game as the platform to discuss the problem of load times? Why give this game a bad image to work through when you know this game isn't going to have a huge audience anyway?
Why not just update the title of "all the xb bc games" to include [Updated MM-DD-YYYY] instead of updating that article and creating a new article on only the new ones? Seems redundant every month to see both articles next to each other when new games are added.
It's nice to see a steady stream of 3DS games. Just can't help but wonder how long they will keep it up now that their focus has to be on making Switch a success.
I was at GameStop the other day looking for some B1G1 games for my kids. The selection of both new and used games was embarrassing; especially considering the 3DS lineup is fairly long. To top of off, the original DS games were still going for near-new-game prices. For example: Mario Kart DS was $35 used.
Few takeaways.
* DS/3DS games retain resell value for longer than most platforms
* DS/3DS is apparently still a popular platform
* DS/3DS games must be good if not many people are trading in/selling off their games; especially with such high resell values at GameStop (gamer gets more money if GS sells at higher price - think:1/4 used game price is what gamer gets for trade-in).
I would like to see the 2DS/3DS continue to be supported with big releases through the end of 2018. But I expect Nintendo to have already stopped their software support; only focusing on finishing games already planned for the platform. 3rd parties are a bit different and may support the platform for longer than Nintendo.
Loved the first game. Enjoyed the second. Never played the third. The Daxter PSP game was fun. Been thinking of buying on PS3 since they've been cheap on sale recently. But I'd rather have the collection on PS4 Yooka-Laylee is apparently encouraging the return of platformer remasters! Let's hope for some new original games too!
Hvac0120's comments