@Darth_Starwind @McGregor @HydePark1980 Well it's pretty hard for the Japanese game market to get a foot hold when we have a generation of gamers that are only interested in shooters, sports games and the occasional RPG.
"Bethesda is huge and successful, Microsoft is the king of console multiplats" Let's face it Bethesda is huge and successful because of PC gamers not console gamers. As for MS being king of multiplats......the generation of gamers I come from don't find that to be a title to be proud of. When you've got the same games as the next console, what begins to tell you apart is your exclusives. Last time I checked MS was not known for their exclusives.
Now while I'm excited for the new generation of games, but I have no illusions about what these systems really are. A poor man's PC and again it's gonna boil down to exclusive games.
As for this whole "Nintendo is doomed this time shit"......gamers weren't right about it the last 3 generations. Hey chin up keep trying I'm sure if you wish hard enough you guys will make it happen this time around.
The arrogance of these western developers is staggering, they finally made names for themselves this past generation and all of a sudden they've got the industry all figured out.
@Dantae_Hiruma Sure just as soon as someone tells me how another wave of shooters, hack n slash and sports games are gonna take the industry to the next level.
@Vodoo I have taste in games, it's just the simple formula of kill this, kill that and when everything is dead kill some more has worn out it's welcome. These guys are suppose to be taking gaming to the next level instead we're treated to the same old formula of games only on a faster system with sharper graphics.
If that's the kind of mindset that gamers have nowadays you can keep it, I outgrew that way of thinking in the 16bit era.
HydePark1980's comments