Now while I'm a huge fan of Nintendo and believe there's still hope for the Wii U Reggie should watch his words more carefully considering the position Nintendo is in right now. Now that being said, he's still right to point out that the launch line up for PS4 and Xbox One are just simply "meh".
Let's be honest here kids, even the most so-called hardcore of gamers has to admit that with these two powerhouse systems their launch lineups are mediocre at best. In terms of exclusives there's now real standout titles that go beyond what can be found on current platforms. As for the rest of the games in the lineup it's just an assortment of polished ports.
Not surprising with costs of game developing going up, these third parties gotta find some way to break even. With these next gen systems coming out more layoffs like this are bound to happen. I hope that these guys get back on their feet.
@lostn Again people who won't buy any Nintendo console to play one of their games is less than likely to play it on another console. Curiosity is fine but at least be smart about how you handle it. You can always pick up one of there older systems dirt cheap and try out one of their past blockbuster titles.
As for Nintendo being a third party, they're the last ones that would ever go that route. First they make far too much money for that and second, they're too creative not to manufacture hardware.
You have to bear in mind that both the Sony and MS console divisions are just just a small part of a larger corporation. At any give time if they feel that they're not making the kind of profit that keeps up with the rest of the company they could just cut it loose. Nintendo is different because they are only in the hardware and software business.
@lostn If people want to see what the fuss is all about with Nintendo's franchises, play them on the console they were meant to be played on. If anything gamers should have learned a valuable lesson about console makers going third party.
For the exception of Sonic most of Sega's franchises have faded into obscurity.
"Nintendo should make games for other consoles" Are you fuckin kiddin me?!! Half these goddamn gamers have a problem playing first party games on a Nintendo console.......why the hell would they play it on another console?
@Slagar You talk about how Nintendo hasn't evolved, it's because of them the industry has made the strides that it has. Nintendo aim has always been to make games that are fun to play and have massive replay value, they've never hidden that from gamers.
You were right when you said other consoles aim to please gamers, as a result we're treated to wave after wave of shooters. Let's be real here the only games that really sell are the violent ones, if you believe me look at which titles sell the most on any console.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, even if the Wii U was on par with PS4 and the Xbox One there is no guarantee that these third parties would produce games for their system. Third parties have this very one dimensional view of Nintendo only being a kids only company especially western third parties.
That being said I'm not blind to the problems that Nintendo is facing right now, but in all honesty the number of third parties that produce games that I would play nowadays I could literally count on one hand.
HydePark1980's comments