Sorry to take up your time, but I'm posting on behalf of many discrunteled users including myself. There seem to have been loads of problems with GS. Many people have been asking about the problems on GS. I'm gonna put down a list, just so it's easier to read:
Problems with Mail (it says there are unread messages when there are not. Unable to open/read PM's)
Logout difficulties
Posting problems (Intermitantly unable to edit, delete users own posts and unable to quote others posts. Also, itsays there are new messages on a thread/topiceven though there aren't and the user was the last one to post. Users posts not showing up at all sometimes.)
Problems updating items on Unions
Date/time randomly generated (not really that important, but still a problem. Only one person I have heard of has had this problem)
These are the main problems myself and others have been experiencing on GS. These problems are frustrating and annoying to users. I'm just asking whether we can expect these problems to go on or whether they will be seen to. All help appreciated.
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