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Hyuugas-Shadow Blog

Game Chat Zone

The Final Fantasy Union's Game Chat Zone is going along smoothly, just its a little tedious to constantly make nearly identicaltopics and of course the fact that I can only make 3 new topics every fifteen minutes :P. But I'm getting there just a little bit longer!

Moving on to Lolita

Acquiring this new book some time tomorrow (hopefully) or this weekend. It will definately be before Monday though I might not start until then, still got a couple of manga to read, but eventually and thus this is the purpose of this new post!


Because of what a fellow Gamespot friend of mine said that it was sad that he tusted me to know a lot about RPGs but I didn't know what the inspiration was for them I have dedicated my night to learning as much about them as possible and now my head is swirling with knowledge. Hopefully now I will never dissapoint him again, also I apologize for putting any doubt of me in your head, Ipod =D


Finally got my first two Blu-Ray movies for my PS3: 300 and Disturbia!! Can't wait to watch them!


I started my new job at Target today!! Yeah it was boring but hey I'm getting paid for it and its easy so its like free money.

The Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was the most amazing congregation of letters and words that I have ever took the time to sit down and read ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crisis Core PSP

Its not fair!!! I want to be able to buy the Crisis Core version of the PSP!!!! Why won't they release the good stuff like that in the U.S. Greedy, selfishAsians always keeping the good stuff.....

New Member

Since I recently joined Gamespot this is my first blog post ever on this website!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways just felt like saying that!
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