So I was looking for a game to buy to entertain me for a while so I was browsing Steam and I saw a game that caught my eye: 7 Days To Die. It's supposed to be a crafting/survival game much like Minecraft. Before I buy it, I want to get your guys' opinions on this game. Is it any good?
IAAGguy's forum posts
Thanks guys and I ran AC3 on my computer and that ran well.
Thank you. Something else that I tried after posting this thread was downloading something called Razer Game Booster, and it helps lots. It also organizes all of my games. I recommend this program to any PC gamer as it is just pure awesome.
So I've done quite a lot to get AC4 to run faster on my computer. My system specs are:
- Intel Core i5-3210M CPU @2.50GHz
- nVidia Geforce GT 630M 1GB (Updated to 331.58)
I have set all of my graphics options in-game to lowest or off (anti-aliasing is on). I do know that Ubisoft doesn't treat PC gamers the same way as console gamers (for obvious reasons) so the game's performance is probably not the best. Any help?
Before we can help you, exactly what do you want our help with? Buying an affordable yet reasonably good monitor in comparison to a BENQ XL242OTE?
I updated my drivers, which DID help a bit, but still I'm getting alot of lag and its making the game unenjoyable for me. Any other advice on getting higher fps?
I forgot I did not have my system specs in my signature. Sorry!
Intel Core i5-310M CPU @ 2.50GHz
NVIDIA Geforce GT 630M 1GB
It is a laptop, an Acer Aspire (Don't remember the exact model name, sorry :()
I just bought AC4 yesterday and it lags like all hell. I tried lowering the graphics and everything, still tons of lag. I don't know what to do anymore. I played Assassins Creed III on my PC and I'm sure AC4 runs on the same engine, so why so much lag? If anyone can help me with these lag problems I will be very grateful.
(P.S. I did not install any patches for the game, so if you think a patch will help, then I will install one)
Alright, so the question I asked in this thread was if the Wii U was as weak in comparison as the Wii, using Assassins Creed 4 as an example (a very horrible one, my bad). I felt that Nintendo began to have a reputation as the "lesser" console during the X360/PS3/WII generation, but this surely wasn't the case during the GC/XBOX/PS2 generation. I was wondering if Nintendo stepped up their game and decided to focus more on the hardware and power of their console rather than all the accessories. So far, it seems that the Wii U is a pretty impressive machine.
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