@BradPoynor @IAMTYLERDURDEN @jts1891 @Wrongwayup Maybe a little too much? If you support MS and buy a xbox one, you're basically telling them that what you want as a gamer doesn't matter. You will gladly accept whatever they tell you to accept. Not buying an xbone sends the message that when they build a console, they need to cater to the audience that made the xbox what it is or they will fail.
@BradPoynor @IAMTYLERDURDEN @jts1891 @Wrongwayup I could give a rats ass for Sony or MS. It's just annoying to see people defending MS after they decided to **** gamers in the ass with unnecessary drm and mandatory add ons that most wouldn't buy other wise. They don't give a shit about you so why do you care for them so much?
@Sevenizz @Joesexyback @IAMTYLERDURDEN Anytime a corporation releases a product with features I don't need, I ignore it. I really love my 360 and was looking forward to next-gen gaming with the xbox one until they unveiled all of the unnecessary BS. I was hoping for a basic next gen system not this all-in-one set top box they're trying to force on us. A lot of shit we don't need and most don't want. They would have done better by implementing drm another way. It's like a kick in the balls to people like me who's been a fan since the original xbox and had high hopes for this one. I'm sorry but I cant support a company that doesn't give a shit about it's fan base.
@Joesexyback The question is, why didn't MS just leave well enough alone? Sure the 360 could connect online but it wasn't mandatory. The 360 also had connect but it was purely optional. Why force these things on consumers? Whatever happened to buying a console and having the choice to buy optional peripherals?