@ @SKaREO Can you prove your accusations? If not then I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish with your posts. If you had something, anything that would serve as undeniable proof that KVO or any other GS journalist was being paid to give positive reviews then your comments would hold weight. But as it stands, you come of sounding like all the other fanboys here that become irate with opinions that differ from yours.
@Strider8009 @IAMTYLERDURDEN I used the "butthurt" term because it describes how you're acting so perfectly. I really hope I offended you. Hahahaha! You really need to stop because every time you reply just proves my point. But you're right. I'm even kicking myself for responding to your ridiculous comments.
@Strider8009 You are either delusional or just plain retarded. Where did I say these things? Now you're making shit up. You actually make Nintendo fanboys look bad and that's quite an accomplishment.
@Strider8009 First, why so immature? What are you like twelve? If so I apologize for replying to you. Second, proof read your shit dude! "In order words"? Luckily, I know what you're trying to say. You feeling so butthurt over whats happening to Nintendo currently is your own fault. Why do you feel so insulted about what someone says about Nintendo? You really shouldn't care so much. It shows that you need to take up another hobby. Maybe dating? Anyway, I'm done with you boy. Go play your WiiU.
@Kryptonbornson @IAMTYLERDURDEN Yeah, you're right. That's the plan. They want folks to buy the console version and most will. When they announce a pc version with the promise of "exclusive extras" and "enhanced graphics", suckers like me will buy it again. It worked for gta 4. I fought the urge to buy it again until steam summer sale came and kicked my ass.
@Kryptonbornson @IAMTYLERDURDEN The reason is they want to maximize sales on consoles. The same way they did for gta 4. Once the console sales slow down, they will announce at least a pc version to capitalize. It might take a year hell it might take two but every single gta game has a pc version. Why stop making them now? I guess we have to wait and see but I'm confident being patient will pay off.