[QUOTE="II6FUII-CauT1oN"]so anyway MGS4 > Halo3 , Gears of lag, PDz, Forza, Graw, etc. Eltroz360 game libary overall > PS3 game libary over all. Enjoy that one game while the 360 has the better and far more diverse libary over the PS3 :lol:
[QUOTE="Mr_lulz"]Look at it this way. If you add up the total game times for all the 360 AAAEs you get about 30 hours, MGS4 single player campaign takes about 30 hours to beat, so when you think about it they both cancel each other out:P(I know its a stretch, but bare with me) Heck if you add up all the cut scenes in MGS4 it would end up being 2-3 hours longer then the entire single player campaign in gears!Vectah_Sigma
Dayyyyyyum. That's a crazy way to look at it, but it's true
i cna beat all those games in less time that i would be playing MGS4. kthnxbye.
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