"Some things require time in the game and some people don't want to invest time; they want the shortcut. So we're looking at those types of trades," he said." - Hints of micro-transaction can be quite possible now itself. It's about to occur unless they don't provide shortcut in the first place. Isn't game needs to be played with investment of time on it rather taking shortcuts. Basics please,Ubisoft developer. These statements kind of amusing ones.
Ubisoft developers sure has got way with words in terms of media,well, I rather see it practically happening than some developer saying it right now.
It's all about interest of a human Individuals now = common sense... . Stop creating utterly rubbish articles about genders on the net just because you don't have anything to gossip & it's seriously getting too old & retro now. Stop writing such kind of articles in gaming/IT section. I didn't come here to visit your site seeing these kind of articles.
Small tip: Just go take a vacation & re-visit your life for once to have clear point of thinking to create/posting better articles which are consumers related stuff which needs to talk about in daily life so we can improvise in terms of future.
IIBlackknightII's comments