II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
BTW this is another Wii exluded U feature.
I think the most important thing from that link is that the multiplayer is being developed by Splash Damage, the guys behind the god awful Brink. :? Well, this game was a sure 9.0 game. Just copy paste the previous games, add some new villains, and a half decent story...thats all they had to do. But they went and got way too greedy. Even if the SP is good, the MP is gonna drag it down.I think my computer overheated just openning that pic lol. I can only imagine the type of beast required to playe Rome 2: TW on max settings :P:)
I notice a lot of people saying they will buy an Xbox One once the Kinect is dropped. Seems like the PS4 is just a place holder for the better console?ShaineTheNerdYou are assuming that people only buy 1 console...
[QUOTE="shellcase86"]If it's changing for the better, why is changing a problem? I gotta agree with you. Yeah it looks bad that MS keeps flip flopping, but Im just grateful that they took their head out of their collective ass and are starting to wake up and take care of the glaring problems. Should we praise them to high heaven? No, cause this should never have even been an issue, but to continuously bash on them for trying to rectify an issue isnt the appropriate response either.Tragedy. More 180s. I don't see why anyone would stick to an ever-changing console platform.
[QUOTE="Badosh"]Drop kinect, and I will buy day one, dumbsoft. AD216lies. if they drop the price to $400 you'll get it with or without kinect Well the 2 sort of go hand in hand, dont u think? :P
Yeah, my pic, as in the pic I posted cause I wasnt sure who's post you were replying to..... >.>[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"][QUOTE="AMD655"]
Bad use of English, not my problem.
Proper use of English, you just inferred the wrong conclusion from it. And Im not sure how that has any relevance to the point at hand... If you say the pic is touched up, without evidence I may add, then that's fine, cause those Ryse pics (and KZ pics too) are bull shots. My point was that while Ryse my have the polygon advantage, they have piss poor textures for the characters (excluding the armor) and that alone makes the characters look terrible.
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