@blangenakker: Fable foilage looks better. :P
II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
This game is giving me total war vibes. I'll buy, hate it for the first 2-6 months because I have no idea wtf is happening and i keep getting instakilled by both the AI and real players. Then after months of literally torturing myself to play the game I will start to understand the mechanics and start enjoying the game. Yes, the game looks amazing and is feature rich, but please, for the love of God, Allah, Yaweh, Zeus, etc... please make a comprehensive tutorial to help people understand wtf is going on. It took total war all the way til the Napoleon game before they had a tutorial that actually helped. All the other total war games just sort of told you "do this...now do this, ok, now do this." but were piss poor at explaining what exactly you were doing, or how it was helping you and what all the countless stats on the campaign screen mean.
TLDR: Im cautiously optimistic about this game.
I agree. Oculus needed a lot more funding. Even so Im kind of bummed at how said funding was obtained.
FB is such a fad waiting to crash, it is funny to see them throw peoples millions away on things like this or whatsapp.
Facebook has existed for more than a half decade and they are still not dead.How are they are fad?
5 years??????? Really?????????
What does Facebook make? What are their profits? What services do they provide? Who is their target market? Just remember, Blackberry, Blockbuster, Chrysler, Palm, Saturn, Compaq, Gateway, all had their time in the sun and had been around a lot longer than FB.
I think you're misusing the term "fad". A fad is something that becomes hugely popular, for reasons unknown, for a short period of time and then fades away into nothingness. And with most, if not all fads, the majority of people tend to recognize that there was really no logical reason why everyone participated other than being swept up in the mass hysteria and excitement. Blackberry, Blockbuster, Chrysler, Saturn, Compaq and all those other companies you mentioned, they were not fads. They were well designed businesses that were hugely successful but failed to adapt to the changing landscape and thus ended up failing. That's not fad.
What you are doing is akin to calling the transcontinental railway system in the US a fad. At the time it was constructed it was a great innovation and hugely profitable and pretty much changed the entire nation...but with the advent of airplanes and personal vehicles and more convenient modes of transportation, the railway system lost popularity. It just cant match up to the other modes of transportation. Its still there, but not as awe inspiring as it used to be.
@JangoWuzHere: Its also possible that the release date that was set for them was unrealistic. Also, with any project, unexpected obstacles always come up and reiterations and changes occur throughout the project. This is why most companies tend to give vague completion dates like "Launching Summer 2014" or in some cases "Launching in 2014". Its impossible to anticipate what complications may arise, and EA as the publisher should have accounted for that. But you do have a point. We don't nearly have enough information to make an informed opinion, perhaps DICE really did just mess around and not get anything done.
Dunno how I feel about this. I guess Facebook is on a spending spree I just hope it all pans out into something profitable.
I dont see this really affecting PC gamers. If anything, developers counting on the SteamBox sales would have an option for a more streamlined "SteamBox friendly" UI for their games.
@ConanTheStoner: what do you mean Naughty Dog hit or miss at making fun games? TLOU dramatically toned downed the set pieces complaints from UC3 and avoided mostly any COD related run & gun type of gameplay. And now you call it less fun?
Dude, there will always be someone to hate. I call it the CODisease. People will bitch and moan that COD is too much of the same thing, then another studio will come in and say they are trying to freshen up an old franchise (i.e. Diablo 3 with a more colorful palette, or Dawn of War 2 with the emphasis on smaller armies and strategic battles) and people will bitch and moan that they are doing too much to change the game and killing it. So people hate when developers change things up to keep fresh, and people hate when developers keep it the same old. People complained that ND was just a "set-piece" studio and then TLOU came out and people complained about that too. At this point, I think developers should just look at the numbers. If your game is getting reviewed well, and people are buying it, then you are doing something right (that includes COD). You can't please everyone.
Fine. From now on, we use the word bitch.
lol, that made me laugh. But on the real, while it is true that the word bossy is misused every now and then, I find that the majority of times I've heard people use the word "bossy" they should have used the appropriate word which is "bitch". The problem is from both sides, yes, a lot of men belittle women and are sexist, but some women are always on this hyper aggressive "its a man's world so Imma be aggressive to get ahead!" vibe that is off putting. Then they wonder why some men dont show them much respect....its not because you're a woman, it's cause you're acting like a bitch. If anyone, man or woman acted that way, I would just ignore them and show them minimal respect.
In conclusion, men need to start treating women as equals and women need to start believing they are equals and act accordingly. If you wanna work extra hard so you can be the best, there is nothing wrong with that. But if you wanna work extra hard to prove you can do everything a man can equally as well or better, then you are part of the problem. You cant expect to be treated as an equal if you don't even see yourself as an equal.
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