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Nothing Special, maybe Super Paper Mario

  So I finished Shadow of the colossus in just over 8 hrs on my first play through.  No faqs, no cheating.  It was a really great game for style, but no substance.  I thought for a minute I would finish it in six hrs, but the last two bosses frustrated me with a lot of jumps and crap that could leave you starting over.  Nevertheless, for a 20 dollar buy, Id have to say I enjoyed myself and got my money's worth. 

 Now im on Super Paper Mario for Wii.  This is a really fun game, with alot of great ideas,, and does deserve its gamespot score BUT, i must admit, im just playing because im a mario fan.  Parts of the game really just bore me, i dont like switching to an item , pixl , or character menu,, and I hate there is no run button.  How can Mario not run?!?  ANd dont give me that crap about do the 100 rooms.  B.S.!  Mario should be able to run.  I think this one gripe really ruins the experience for me.  Still a decent game, not really worthy to be called a Wii game,, but id say its a top 10 Gamecube game.  On gamecube id call this game fantastic, on wii, hmm i guess i just expect more.  Its bleh. 

Whole Lotta Gaming Goin On

  OK, so I been playing a whole lot of Shadow of the Colossus this week.  What a great game fro just 20 bucks!  Really easy tho.  Im on the final colossus, and have been playing for 7hrs only.  Im not much into riding around looking at the sites.  I just find the monster and kill him.  Move on.  etc etc.

I also recently grabbed the original Lost In Blue for the DS.  Very fun little survival sim.  Not too much going on in it.  But its nice to play a game where i dont have a gun and shoot things.  Damn I love my DS.  It is the best console out.  Yea, its not the most powerful, but its the most fun.  Im in the middle of sooo many games on it.  I really need to update my now playing list.  Its so wrong.  Not that I finished all the games on the list, but I've moved on from alot of them. 


Also!!!! I passed the 400 mark for the number of games I own!  Whooo!  Im crazy!  Too bad I cant list my handheld tabletop games!  I recently got a great deal on Mario Bros Game and Watch!  Ok...thats enuff for now.


I really hate it when my personal life gets so depressing that i dont sit back and have games to escape too. So I havent played like I would like to. Its such a nice break to play. A good game is like a good movie. Regardless, I put down Resident Evil DS for awhile, can't find that damn magnum. Its a shame, cuz i beat this game when it came out on PS. Oh well. I didnt play anything for awhile, but then picked up Ultimate Spiderman DS which I bought months ago but never finished. Finally finished up. I want to start Onimusha DoD since I finally got it back from my friends son who borrowed it. Who knows, so much to play, so little time in a day.

My Home Arcade

Recently I was asked about my arcade games, so I figured I'd write just a little about them. I currently have four games, Burgertime Tetris Joust and Street Fighter 2CE. I got my first one (Burgertime) using EBAY. It was from, a store nearby to me in Denver. Ooooo they were pissed when I showed up in a uhaul rental to pick it up. They thought they would get me charging an arm and a leg for shipping. HAHA, hell no. It was already rather expensive as I knew little about buying arcade games at the time. Still, the game is beautiful, and I really love the painted Burgertime side.
Next was Tetris, which i found on craigslist for 300bucks. Delivery and all. I bought it for my girl, but it is always very popular with company.
After that was SF2CE. My favorite game of all time. I think i was 16 when it came out, and I always wanted one, so when I stumbled onto it on craigslist it was a MUST BUY! It was only 550 when I got it, but I now need someone to come look at it. Having some controller and button issues from too many hard core sessions.
My final purchase was Joust. No explanation needed.

Angry Angry Grumble Grumble

Ok....so....more talk about Zelda TP. This game really pissed me off the other day. I still dont know the names of anything, but who cares, its Zelda, dont need any names. Except now I cant explain anything, but here I go anyway. First let me start off by blaming myself that I dont save often. I never save on computers enough, and considering how many times over the years I get burned,, you would think I would have learned. Yet I dont save work on computers enough, and I dont do it in my games. But screw that, this is messed up anyways. SO I start my game off in the twilight mission in the zora world. Im the damn wolf, and i gotta collect all the little light drops or wtf. No big deal, I collect the drops, fly the bird thing, collect collect. All good, takes alittle while have to search and everything, but not a problem. I beat the giant light bug bada bing bada boom and now I get to be Link. Watch long cut scene about little kid, whom im beginning to want to swat with my sword everytime he shows up, and now i have to go meet that damn chick and get the sick zora kid. Greaaaat. Long walk, little horse ride, and im in the castle. Ok, I find the girl, and low and behold, more cutscenes i should skip but dont. Now were off on our horse and carriage ride. Cool change of pace, lets do it. Nothing happening, pretty boring so far, and BOOM I hit this damn bridge. Heres where it all goes f'n down hill. So toad dude on his beastly pig wart wants to come running down at me with his little hokeypokey spear thing and drop me off the bridge right. No problem ive done this before. Ill handle him. Ohhhhh, no wait. Not this dude. Mr Asswipe has two shields and wants me to shoot an arrow at him. That would be cool, IF I HAD ANY ARROWS LEFT!!!! Helllloooooo, I have no arrows to f'n shoot at Mr AssWipe and I last saved over an hr ago!!!! WTF. Im gonna break this wii. So anyways. I turned it off. That was a few days ago. Picked it up yesterday. Had to redo everything I already mentioned, but this time as Link went and found some fat rock dude who would sell me 30 arrows for 40 rupees before followed the dying zora freak caravan.
Yea yea yea, so i should have saved more often, but screw that. What if i had saved while on the horse. Then I would have had to start allll over. And the beginning of this game really bored me.

My wrist hurts...

    Sounds like a topic title for a dirty subject.  Actually I finalllllly got to pick up my copy of Zelda Twilight Princess back off the dusty play pile.  I just passed the boss on the level where you wear the iron boots and walk on the ceiling and so on.  The boss was the guy with the metal armor, and you smack him when he attacks, then toss his big rollin ass in the lava.  Not very hard to play, but damn if I can remember the names of these places or people. 
    Im glad I had previously saved it right before meeting the 1st old dude in charge.  If he hadnt told me what i was about to be doing, id be lost.  Its been weeks since i had picked this game up, and considering im about 9 hours into it,, I still had to basically re-teach myself to play.  Its a great game, graphics are fine for my taste, but it sure doesnt lend itself to casual play; which is one of the great thing about recent nintendo games.  They lend themselves well to my short attention span.  Well, let me stop.  Its late, I need to feed my skinny ass, and I want to pick up a lil more Zelda.

Major Problem (recurring problem)

    So I have this major problem.  I just bought Super Mario 64DS over the weekend.  Ive been playing it non-stop.  I need to add it too my now playing list.  Anyways.  The problem is greater then how long my list of currently playing games is.  I am realizing that I have nearly 100 games on my list of what I want to play next.  That doesnt even count games I dont own.  Dont believe me, go to my Games Collection. 
    Im really at a loss at this point.  Ive always wanted alot of games, but I never thought Id be a 100 games behind in my to play list.  Its a good pain I guess, but damn, there will be a PS4 XBOX720 and Wii2 by the time I catch up,....if i ever truly do.

I am gettin old....but i just dont feel it.

    So I was sittin on the ol gamespot, reading posts.  I myself tend not to post much; I might post oneday, but for now, i just read.  When I do post, its to old school forums.  Recently ive run into quite a few forums based on age.  How old is this console owner, how old is this poster, etc etc.  As I read thru the posts, Im realizing, damn im old on this site.  Now really I dont feel old, my friends wouldn't say im old, and my co-workers would think im nutts. Im only 32, but around here I feel ancient.  I dont have many friends my age who play games, tho I know we exist.  Early tonite, I was about to email someone on the site, and say whats up because they lived in Colorado like I did.  Well, I see on their profile they were born while I was graduating High School.  Damn, that makes me old.  It would be like gaming with my kid.  I guess I should get me a kid.  Where my damn woman at.  Oh yea.  Sleeping.  Ok, so this has been a great wall of useless text. 

My Personal Museum

Whew...so I cleaned my game room this weekend. Wow, there is so much space when I get all  my stuff off the floor!  I had no idea!  I still am in desperate need of some shelves and cabinets, but haven't thought of how I want it.  Finally tho, all my games are in stacks and up against one wall, my boxed systems are next to them, and my movies and boxed models against the other wall.  Since we moved our computer to the living room television, the computer desk was bare, so I placed my 1980's handhelds and tabletops on there.  When I reach level 10, Ill post some nice video's of what I've collected.  I like looking at my old video games, its like my own museum.  I guess thats collecting, its like a personal museum.  I have so much fun collecting, I may have to buy a bigger townhome because of it.  We have four arcade games in our loft area, and I think it may be room overload.

  SO, now that I have some organization for the 1st time in a year, I was able to enter in what I believe is every game I currently have in my collection.  I know I have a few pc games sitting around, but I dont think I even know how to get them working anymore, or dont care to try and figure it out, so I may never list them.  If I keep pace with how often I buy games, it wont be such a project again.  I really wish gamespot offered a way to say the list to my computer, beyond copy and paste, and save page.  I  guess ill just print it, but its really great to have with my homeowner's property insurance, and even better, next time I go for a loan, it can go in my property owned value list.  I love accountants.  They are so smart.

  Last quick thought, I really wish Gamespot listed old handheld and tabletop games.  Such as the table top Frogger, Pac-Man, or the Game & Watch series.  Also consoles would be great.  Oh well, still great as it is.

I Finally Can Cross A Game Off My Now Playing

So after waiting forever to get back to Call Of Duty 3 for the Wii, in between starting many other games.  I finished it today.  Decent game, some control issues.  The AI is very repetitive.  Same place same time.  For a few portions, you can just aim the gun in one place, and enemy will repeatedly just run into your sight for a nice shot.  And the help on the aiming really hurts the game later with the sniper rifle, as it will lead you towards enemies you often are not after.  Regardless, the game was still fun, I would actually recommend it, based on fun alone.  Ill probably pick it up and play it again one day, but for now, it gets retirement.  Now I have 12 other games im in the middle of, and quite a few others im waiting to start.  I will still be buying more games, its just habit, i like used game stores.  The best part about being behind in my games tho, is it gives me time to wait for things to go on sale, and to even reach Greatest Hits for cheaper buys!   A little late, is well worth a little saved.  Im dying to pull out my SNES and start some Earthbound, but damn, I have so much to finish!!
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