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IamSliM Blog

My Girlfriend

  I thought Id explain my girl the gamer.  It was a long uphill battle to create a gamer girl!  Theyre not all born that way.  My girlfriend was always great at letting me have my free time.  She would sit for hours while I shoot aliens, bomb villages, stomp on small creatures, collect endless items, and switch between the game and the computer for my faq reading. Watching the time go bye, she would read, do her nails, text message, or sometimes, if I was lucky....watch me.  Then one day, I figured, why not get her one of those girly games.  How about the Sims.  Not a sims fan myself, i heard it was great for girls, and well, it didnt do nothing for me, so what the heck, ill get her an xbox copy.  For about two years, I had her hooked.  "Buy me The Sims, The Sims 2, The Urbz"  All of it.  Then one day.  She stopped.  She was bored.  It was too easy for her.  She was tired or not being able to make real lesbians, and losing friends because she hated cleaning up after party's.  I asked her what she wanted to do about this.  "I want something harder.  Like what you play!"  Now, I dont think she was ready for Halo, and she hated GTA series.  "What do you want?" I asked.  "Fable!"  And so it began.  Her 50 plus hour quest on the very short game of Fable, in which she had to be nice to everybody, and a perfect angel.  Next was the 60 hourse she spent on Sudeki.  Then the over 50 hrs she has been on Kingdom Hearts.  I bought her Kingdom Hearts 2, but she refuses to finish the last boss of the 1st one til she collects everything!  Oh my god, the search for puppies felt endless.  I forget what else she is collecting now, it bleeds together in my head.  But honestly I cant complain.  Its great to have a Game Girl.  I bought her the Original DS, and she insisted when the Pink Lite came out that she get an upgrade.  She has so many DS games, sometimes I think she plays just to ignore me :)  ! 

Now if she starts beating me on our Nintendo Wii, im going to scream.

Now go to MaximOnline.com and click on the contests page.  She is a contestant representing Denver.  I believe its the Cuervo Contest, I forget.  Shes gonna hate me for that.  Her name is Paula and she was chosen to be in the online contest.  Vote for Her!

The Problem With Being A Collector

Ive being collecting games, seriously collecting, for about 3 years.  I collect all games, handheld games, and just about anything gaming related.  I have a room, basically full of toys.  It needs some serious organization, especially since I add to it constantly.  There is not a room in the house where you wont find a game lying around.  It must drive my girlfriend crazy, but she is a great sport.  But the real problem, isnt the room, or games being everywhere.  The real problem with being a collector, is you just dont get to enjoy your games.  Hopefully it makes sense to people.  See, besides having an enormous amount of old school nes snes atari2600 and other consoles games that I want to put time into, I have a stack of Dreamcast, PS2 Gamecube and Xbox games I still need to play.  Oh, and lets not forget My Nintendo DS, and all the games for that Im still in the middle of, or havent found time to start.  I was playing Final Fantasy 3 on the DS, but I lost that today, guess it poped out, and ran away, but hey, Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble for the DS just showed up in the mail.  Or I could always go back to New Super Mario Bros.  which im only half way thru. Finding those damn coins drives me nutts.  Oh, and not like I still dont need to play Doom3 and a ton of other xbox games sitting on the shelf, but I bought Beyond Good and Evil today for 7 bucks, couldnt resist.  And did I mention I have a Nintendo Wii with 7 games sitting on the shelf.  Im almost done with Call of Duty 3, im a third the way thru Elebits.  I finished the 1st dungeon on Zelda, and I need to open up more mini games in Smooth Moves so my friends can play more selections.  Thank goodness I only feel the need to play wii sports when I have company, or i'd have to add that to my list.  And thru it all, I still need to work, have a relationship, play on this website, and make time for friends.  If I didnt collect games, i dont think id be having this problem.  I guess im just an addict.  :D

I Need A Life

Ive decided I need a life.  Not life I dont have a life.  Things are real good.  I just need another life.  Like a 1up, and extra.  Just so I can have some damn time in the day to play some of my games.

Best Buy Blows Part 2

So I went back to Best Buy on Thursday to find Wario Ware Smooth Moves.  Once again Im told, its not out yet.  It was delayed.  Excuse me I say?  I already have seen it at Target, but I want to use my Best Buy Gift Card.  Well, im told thats impossible, because its not out.  I wasw baffled, was I being told im a liar?  He tells me he will check the computer for a release date.  Ok, ill wait.  And when he comes back i hear, Im sorry, apparently it is out, and I think our copies are in the back.  Ten minutes later he returns with my copy.  What an idiot.  Best Buy Blows.

Best Buy Blows

  All I've wanted since Monday was a copy of Wario Ware Smooth Moves.  Now, I could have just gone to Target, EBgames, Gamestop, or one of the many games stores in the Denver area to go get me a copy.  But nooooo, I have a Best Buy giftcard, and I want to save some money.  So I go to Best Buy.  1st of all, they dont even have the damn game on its release day.  Now, I had already seen it at Targer a little earlier, so I knew it was out, so i figured Id ask if it was in the back.  Im told no, and that it shows they ordered 26 copies, but they have no idea when they will arrive.  Feeling like my luck could change, I decided to drive to another Best Buy across town.  No luck, either.  I asked the guy there at the Park Meadows Mall Best Buy, do you know when you will receive the game?  Its been delayed and wont be out for awhile im told.  Thats impossible I say, because I just saw it at Target.  Now his story changes to Best Buy doesnt use overnight shipping so we wont get it til Thursday.  And then he walked away.  What an ass.  Best Buy Blows.  Let me use my damn gift certificate and then im going back to my locally independently owned neighborhood game store.
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