@xnshd: I’m pretty sure Xbox fans would be upset and their excuse would be “It was on PC first”. You think if Sony bought Rockstar Games/T2 and made GTA 6 exclusive, Xbox fans wouldn’t be in uproar?
Honestly they should just do a timed exclusive of a year as this was a game already announced. And any other future releases for it like Expansions and small DLCs, should come a year later on PS. Cause as someone who owns an XSX, I feel bad the PS community will be left out.
I should add that I usually own both consoles, (no PS5 yet, just PS4 Pro), and I know Sony does this with their exclusives but we're talking about a massive game that a lot of people play and these don't come out every year or two like COD & other big names. This takes 10+ years to make and to shun an entire community that's been waiting this long just doesn't sit well with me. Just my opinion.
Now if we were talking about unannounced games, then sure that can be exclusive. Like ES7 or Fallout 5 etc..
And Phill saying this isn't about punishing other platforms is complete BS, come on now... if true, he sure wouldn't lose the tens of millions he would of earned if it came on PS. So yea it's about sticking it to the other guy lol.
Why not make one where you rotate it yourself like the PS3/PS2 did? Oh right Sony thought of it first probably and they wanted to be different and one up them. xD
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