The only thing I want is to replay Oblivion again, I can't find my cd for it. Miss that game, spent 500+ hours on it when it came out. My strategy guide I did find, is filled with post-it (used them as bookmarks). Also I never got the chance to get the expansion packs, all I did was mod the hell out of the vanilla.
@Mr_BillGates It's actually not bad if you try it out. Played the first open beta and was surprised by it. I enjoyed it, been waiting for their second to open up.
@Monsterkillah @Ice-Cube I hear ya, though you know them, it will take them at least a year to port over. Assuming the longer they take, the better the port? I hope at least.
Obviously it's in the agenda, it's just that they want to make it on the consoles first just like their last GTA. I'd say the PC version will come out around October 2014.
Give them time, it will come out to the PC. I can't see them ditching it.
The only thing we have to worry about is how well they port it over. which from their last one, was shit.
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