You know most of the close up shots are actually the PS4 Controller and not the actual system itself. If you pause it, you'll see the underside of the controller, the touchpad and other parts of the controller.
Although I will say the rest of the shots are of the air vents of the PS4. Oh and don't bother asking but yea, I did that.
Holy S***!! Why not take half of my City's space?! Like really, who's going to have room for this? Oh waaaiit.....region play....riight. Why not build it in one City! Then have the other 3 in the cluster flood to it! Roller coaster Tycoon anyone?
Seriously EA, just increase the damn size already. This will at least save most of your players, because I know that's the main reason they are leaving (bugs aside).
During the closed Beta, I had a lot of fun during it's development. Though I found it way to expensive to invest in. I've been waiting for them to go Free2Play and it looks like it's finally come.
I'm hoping to try it out and see what's changed since the Beta (which i'm sure a lot has).
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