@ManeFlame Everyone else above me thinks it's a sequel, but they did make it sound like Dead Island was dead and to never be touched again. Though I do see your point, just seems kinda funny.
Reminds me of of Test Drive Unlimited 2 did, order from a certain retailer, get a certain car. Just to make all the retailers happy i'm assuming. Microsoft should just say "Order it from us and you get everything!".
Keep away from shady sites, even the ones that may be offering advice on making money in Diablo 3. Stick to the forums/wiki, it's not hard to get a keylogger on your computer.
Also as PixelAddict said, it only takes a few minutes to setup an authenticator on your iPhone, iPod touch or other mobile devices.
It's terrible this has happened and I hope Blizzard takes more security precautions and hopefully think of new "Free" ways of security enhancement features for it's customers. The SMS feature is great but I myself don't own a phone (don't need one).
Until Origin starts offering ridiculously low price sales for games, then that will catch my eye. Come on, I keep picking up $5 - $10 games off of steam like it's nothing. Also better way to talk to your friends, Origin groups sounds weird..
Anyways they had many years to study Steam's success, they can only blame themselves for not listening to the community.
Hate to say it but Steam is like WoW, nothing will topple it nor come close. Though I do hope Origin stays, competition is always good for the consumer. :)
I don't mean to sound harsh but don't us Gamespotters have any say in this? When you guys removed the News section from the front page, I miss jumping on GS and reading the latest gaming news. You replaced it with a marque that scrolls, which was terrible. Now you removed News completely from the front page.
This is my main gaming site i have been coming for years, early 2000's. Please let us users, who view your site daily, have an option to go through with these drastic changes. The comments section isn't great either now. We don't receive PM's when we are mentioned in a comment. No more Thumbs down button?
I know a lot of people hate change, but for good reason. If we're so used to something, why change it?
Damn I'd hate to be that cyclops, outstanding job on the graphic content. Looking forward to this Multiplayer component but regardless though, GOW should remain a heavy single player story based game. Let's hope the MP doesn't hurt that. :)
Ice-Cube's comments