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IceArrow88 Blog

Making Sigs

So, I decided I'd try to make myself a sig yesterday, and I came up with something decent, but I got too carried away with it and the file size ended up being too big (637KB). Original:

I liked this one, but methinks the file's just a bit too large:P Thus I cut some stuff out and made some modifications:

Even the optimized one is 242KB. As usual, trying to make things too complicated:roll: I dunno, I guess I'll use this one.

Not Enough Japanese Freaks

It's really weird seeing all these people who watch dubbed anime on Cartoon Network and stuff--I've wanted to post something like this ever since I started forum-ing, but I never knew where it would really be appropriate (so I'll just blow off steam here!). But it really concerns me--dubbed anime is awful!! Especially when we're talking about DBZ. After being in college for the past four years (where everyone has a vehement it's-subbed-or-nothing attitude), it's just strange to be seeing young'ens watching sub-par stuff. Well, I also had the luxury of downloading any and all anime from the network:) Their excuse is usually one or both of the following:
1. It's on T.V., thus it's free and convenient.
2. I'm too lazy to read subtitles.

Man, please don't give me the latter excuse--why are you even watching if you're not paying attention?? I dunno, people are just really missing out on the real stuff when they watch it dubbed. And I really say this because of DBZ, cause they really hacked that series up(horrible acting, changing the music, changing the dialogue, altering the names, and censoring). And it feels weird writing out the US names instead of the real romanji of the names. It's Bejiita, Buruma, Juzoningen Juhachigou!
Speaking of which, I wonder if I can post Japanese characters on here...the following is a test....


So of course the downfall of moving across the country is that ya obviously can't bring everything with you. But DAMN, I miss my older systems (nes, snes, & the rest of my n64 games). They're part of my collection, I didn't realize I'd miss them that much. Another reason is because I've had more time to game and GS since we moved, and thus I've been thinking more about gaming. I really have an urge to play Donkey Kong Country right now. Dude, next time I go back to bloody Ohio (won't be for a while), I'm pickin' up the systems. meh.

Getting back into the anime loop

It's been a while since I've watched a whole anime series--I pretty much stopped going to anime society/downloading anime my senior year. Now & Then, Here & There was the last one I watched--very excellent series. Started watching Naruto, got through about 20 episodes, but it was just too long and I didn't have time for it. I'd like to pick up on it again some time, cause it looks interesting. DB/DBZ/GT is the only super long series I've ever completed--I'm not sure if I have the stamina to complete another long series like that o_O

Anywho, enter Netflix. Awesomeness. Jeff and I have really been taking advantage of the subscription. And there's anime. We've decided on Full Metal Alchemist. That should be fun.

What so girls want? Why are they confusing? Cool gift ideas to follow...hahaha

For some reason I've been seeing several posts lately about what girls want and things of that nature. Being a female, I really have no insight into those sorts of questions--no bloody idea:P Females certainly are a complicated lot(stereotypically speaking of course), and I stereotypically don't like them. You know, the really girly types that like shopping and smelling like melons and whatnot. LOL, I'm not being incredibly serious here--don't want anyone getting offended here in my quaint little gamespot journal. Heh, which no one reads.

But it reminds me of things that Jeff has done for me in the past. I feel like bragging about him, because we've been in love for over 6 years and he's the best thing in my life. So, back in my hometown(I think this was just an Ohio thing? No idea) once guys reached 18 they were sent Mach 3 razors in the mail. I of course was incredibly jealous of him, so he bought me a Mach 3 for Valentine's Day. LOL, now that's love. Shortly after we started dating, being the biology geek that he is(and so was I at the time) he got me roses in an erlenmeyer flask, and for another birthday a JREF T-shirt and a signed picture of James Randi.

The best was Valentine's Day ('04) when we were like, we should do something for each other, but flowers and poems and chocolates are dumb. We had fallen in love with DDR that school year, so we decided to splurge a little and split the price for a PS2, DDRMAX, and 2 game pads. I've always thought that Valentine's Day was stupid even when I was dating, but that day rocked. So while our friends were munching on chocolate and nurturing dead plants, we were rockin' with our new PS2. That was sweet--I think we definitely won the coolness factor:D8)
And his wedding gift--God of War. Excellent. He knows what his woman wants:)

Federal investigation. Yeah, good one.

Wow, the situation just keeps getting hotter. It's just reached the point of absurdity. I mean, in this particular instance, Rockstar deserved the rating change because it lied. But it is funny that GTA is the only game with an AO rating for PS2, considering other games that are out there. What really gets me are these supposed parents who claim that they bought the game for their children aware of the M rating (you know 17+, if nothing else, filled with a helluva lotta violence, cussing, utter disregard for authority, gangsta warfare, etc.) and then decided because of the sex scene, OMG I've been deceived! Oh the horror.

Now, unless you're worried that your precious 17-year-old has been scarred by this, you people have given this game to someone who's not old enough to play it, and THAT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT. Quit trying to blame your bad parenting on outside sources. And if you didn't buy the game for your children, what's the problem? Parents have a big problem if they don't know what they're children are buying and playing. Own up and take some responsibility.

That's just wonderful.

Yep, the computer is slowly dying. It's treated me well through college (for the most part), but it's really struggling into its 5th year. CD ROM is practically dead, parts of the hard drive are corrupt, inexplicable errors keep popping up, and it's just slowing down to hell. I'll try reformatting as a last resort, but I still don't think it's going to last much longer. This kinda sucks.

Random chance in video games

Lately I've been playing Budokai 3 again, trying to get all the capsules to finish the game to its completeness. Bloody hell, I don't know how much time I've spent in the Dragon Arena, but I still haven't chanced upon Cell Jr. He's the only character I have left. It's such a frustrating struggle, as this character is just as stupid as the saiya men and I don't actually care about getting this guy, but I just want to completely finish the game. Same with buying capsules. I'm at 82% right now. In and out of the damn store, hoping I'll chance upon some new capsules. Wish the L2 cheat still applied to B3. I felt guilty about using the cheat in B2, but once I had acquired all the characters I could just by playing through the game 3 or 4 times, I got so damn sick of the Dragon World. I'm startin' to feel that way about B3 now, simply because the only stuff left to acquire is just random chance occurrences. Meh, ah well.