1. My name's Evan, more commonly known as IDG. I'm 17 years old, and a Junior in High School. I live in Cincinnati, OH.
2. I'm in Marching Band. Yeah, I'm a band geek, but that's not the half of it. Do you know how... "interesting" it is being the only male flutist out of a section 20 people large?
3. When it comes to music, I have three words, well more than that, but three impactful ones: Three Days Grace. They set the bar for all English music in my mind. I typically listen to rock, J-rock, metal (generally on the lighter side), and Nobuo Uematsu. Just in case any of you are FF challenged, check the above icon to see who he is.
4. I'm not in sports, but that doesn't mean I don't love watching a good game of baseball. As much as the Reds could... improve, I've been a fan of Ken Griffey, Jr. as long as I can remember. I also bowled from first through eigthth grade, if you can consider that a sport.
5. It didn't take me six hours to come up with this. I typically don't like writing about myself, but when it's informally, and leaving some things out won't change much, I don't mind. As far as school goes, Algebra II (geometry's not math), Band, and Cisco II are my favorite classes.
Time time: Sephiroth5102 (thought Sheezy was the only place you got tagged? Think again!!!), holywin (if he's still alive), and... I guess maniamsmart. Enjoy.
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