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IceDefenseGod Blog

Spoilers of Crisis Core

I'm not gonna ruin the ending for anyone who just happens to visit my blog.

[spoiler] The ending, even though I was already aware of it, still caused me to tear up. Shinra couldn't stop me, though. After I pwned them... *cough* Lvl 58, and you think you have a chance against me?!? XD *cough* it just took me to the string that I assume plays if you die. I just wanted to throw out there, that CC has an amazing conclusion, regardless of the sub-par Genesis-related ending. [/spoiler]

Tag Time

1. My name's Evan, more commonly known as IDG. I'm 17 years old, and a Junior in High School. I live in Cincinnati, OH.

2. I'm in Marching Band. Yeah, I'm a band geek, but that's not the half of it. Do you know how... "interesting" it is being the only male flutist out of a section 20 people large?

3. When it comes to music, I have three words, well more than that, but three impactful ones: Three Days Grace. They set the bar for all English music in my mind. I typically listen to rock, J-rock, metal (generally on the lighter side), and Nobuo Uematsu. Just in case any of you are FF challenged, check the above icon to see who he is.

4. I'm not in sports, but that doesn't mean I don't love watching a good game of baseball. As much as the Reds could... improve, I've been a fan of Ken Griffey, Jr. as long as I can remember. I also bowled from first through eigthth grade, if you can consider that a sport.

5. It didn't take me six hours to come up with this. I typically don't like writing about myself, but when it's informally, and leaving some things out won't change much, I don't mind. As far as school goes, Algebra II (geometry's not math), Band, and Cisco II are my favorite classes.

Time time: Sephiroth5102 (thought Sheezy was the only place you got tagged? Think again!!!), holywin (if he's still alive), and... I guess maniamsmart. Enjoy.


I'm back from the overly hot McDisney World, the land of $4 hot dogs. I got Crisis Core the day it came out, but I only got a minimal amount of time to play it (if you call 14 hours in five days minimal like I do). I'm SEVERELY overpowered since I did missions for eight hours. Not to ruin any of the story, I just crashed in the snow... and I'm lvl 37 with Mastered Curaga, and other insanely high, powerful Materia including Blizzaga Blade, Darkness, Osmose, and a Lvl 1 HP+ Materia that gives me +170% HP. No joke. Not a typo.

Going to Florida with Marching Band

My school's marching band is travelling to Florida for the remainder of Spring Break, starting tomorrow (good time for Crisis Core, huh?). I won't be back until late Sunday. If I have internet access in the hotel, I'll be sure to get on, but I doubt that that will be possible. I just wanted to put out the note that I'll be gone. Enjoy the rest of Spring Break, all!

Super Smash Bros. Brawl ponderings

I have three friend's with Wii's, so I'll get to play the game eventually (I don't have a Wii), but from what they've been saying, it's amazing. My chars. of choice from Melee were Young Link, Cpt. Falcon, Luigi, and Mewtwo. In Brawl, I can't wait to use Meta Knight, Ike, and Luigi, but Link and Falcon seem a little weakened since Melee; Link just doesn't have that multi-hit factor that I loved in Melee, and Falcon seems much slower, so his best attribute is shot.

Anyway, I just wanted to get some SSB input in since Brawl is upon us. Have fun with it, Wii-users.

"A Stunning Feat"- S on every mission of Son of Sparda in DMC4

I got all S' on Son of Sparda, and unlocked the accomplishment (since I'm on PS3) "A Stunning Feat". I have to say, considering this game's more difficult than DMC3, it's actually much easier to get S' on most missions. Sure, a Double S on some of the earlier missions in DMC3 is cake, but it can get much harder to be stylish on Fallen One's and Arkham. However, in DMC4, the entire game's about the same difficulty, whereas in DMC3, it's a ramp, starting out jokingly easy but becoming quite challenging by Mission 19.