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IceEmpress Blog

Best and worst of 06 awards ...

First of all I would like to say those guys did a wanderfull job of hosting that awards show. Bravo! -claps hands-

I hope that Oblivion wins all the categories it was nominated for. That would be sweet. Expecialy if Oblivion won game of the year. Wich I am almost certain it will. It may be a close call but im rooting for Oblivion, I love that game. Though I amd dissapointed 2 of my fave games were nominated for the dubious honors awards. Wich is the bad awards =/. The new sonic game and the Final fantasy: Dirge of Ceribrus (how ever u spell it) I admit Final fnatsay: D.O.C. was not as good as it was cracked up to be, but I dont think it deserves to be nominated for a dubious honros award >_O

Im surprised red steel got nominated for a dubious honors award. Every one was saying it was a good game and there was alot of hype, I dont know what whent wrong. I dont know what went wrong with the new sonic game either. =/

Im surprised there was a category for the best origional Xbox game. I cant believe, (or dont understand rather) that people are still making origional Xbox games, and the Xbox 360 has been out for a lil over a year now o.o;

Well I cant wait to start voting, you know im gonna vote for Oblivion and zelda and final fantasy, of course XD.

New emblem !! ^_^

I got the "xbox aficionado emblem" XD Im currently working on the "ourlier emblem" but it has yet to show so I guess I gotta rate some more games. Ill just go down the list of games for each console untill I get it. I already earned the "Tagger leader" emblem but it has yet to update. Then im going to try and get the "Tagger king emblem" that ones gonna take a while, but tagging things is fun, its like a game, think of as many words possible that associate with what your tagging. I also cant wait untill I can gt the "readers choice awards" emblem that should start today.

I was wandering any one know were I can download frapps? i want to start making videos of when I play space cowboy. It would be raw uncut footage, becuase I dont have any movie, or ideo editing software. =/ Like movie maker, I dont have none of that. If you know wer to get frapps or any other program that allowes you to take footage of video games while you play lemme know please. XD

Alot of different topics (check it out)

I cannot be the leader of a brigade any more on Space Cowboy. I am too busy now. Also if Im accepted to the Art Institute then when I start college I will have even less time to take care of my brigade. Ive decided to disbanned my brigade and join a popular brigade that the brigade leader promised me a spot in. I hate this becuase I am a leader. Every online game I play I always have my own guild/clan/brigade/club. I hate having a higher authority over me barking orders at me 0_O. How ever, times are changing, Im all grown up now and I have alot of other things to do than play online video games and work hard on the games to keep my guild members happy, I just cant do that any more. Im lucky I can still get on game

I cant wait for the choice awards, aside from the fact that ill get a new emblem, I also will get vote for my fave games. Im sure the live feed will be great too looking forward to watching that. Im counting down the days and hours, hoping I wont have an emergency meeting at the college to prevent me from watching =.= ... that sounds like my luck.

I hope I get a xbox 360 for christmas. I want it so bad :( Sad thing is we cant even afford a christmas tree this year, so I dont know how they will be able to afford a 360. Oh well I just gotta hope for the best I supose.

Im working on my tagger emblem. So if you want me to come tag all your blog entries let me know ill be happy to do so. Unless of course if you have over 50 blogs then ill only do all the ones on ur front page XD.

Im off to go walking and afterwards practice my driving so I can pass the driving test and finally get my drivers license ... i was supose to have my drivers license a year ago but Ive had a fear of driving, but ive tried to heal myself and convence myself theres nothing to be afriad of as long as I drive defenceively and pay attention and obey the laws of the road I should be fine. The paying attention part is hard for me though some times I swear I had A.D.D. but never was diagnosed with it... maybe i should get checked for A.D.D. next year when my dads insurance comes back. Ill check my comments when I get back. Dont be shy I dont bite I tickle =p so leave me a message or ill tickle you =p

The new Halo 3 Trailer!


I totally love it. This is the best one yet. Watch it you will see. If you havent already seen it. Dude MS totally has a a shield and it comes out like a dome over him when he threw that grinade. Does that mean we can trhow grinades now without worrying about blowing ourselfs up? lol! This is a sweet commercial you gotta watch it if you havent already. It came out monday I believe.

WOOOO Im Baaaack!

Not that people care but I am back finally. Lemme tell you what happen in a nutshell... My internet was shut off. I was not mistaken when I said my mom paid some of it, but I was mistaken when I said she payed enough to keep it going becuase it turns out she was more behind on the bill than I thought and owed ALOT and bellsouth shut off our internet because of it. But thats way too much info for you :p . Im just happy to be back.

The main reason we had the net turned back on is becuase I had to fill out an online financial aid thing called the FAFSA for this college im going to go to start January 8th if I am excepted. And once I start college I will be putting my work first and playing and chatting on the net last. So I may not be on as much as I would like to be.

However for now I wont be too busy starting after sunday. I hope to get cuaght up on all the latest game news here on gamespot and checking you guys (all the peeps on my friends list) blogs out and see how every one is doing and maybe comment on some of you guys blogs if I have sumtin to say. I usualy dont have much to say about anything but eh thats another story. XD Well I dont know what else to say but I would like some feed back on this blog,  leave me a comment if you can. Id like to know how you all are doing, and let me know if I missed anything important here on gamespot.

Gamespots Wii Launch Coverage ROCKED

First and for most, game spot and the guys that covered the entire live show did an awesome job, those guys rock.

If you were watching you would see that gamespot got a live interview with the women from TRL (fergot her name) That no one else got. at least up until that point, wether some one interviewed her afterwards or not I dunno, but they were definatly the first ones to interview her.

Also those guys did an outstanding job of answering the questions that came in while they were waiting around. Defenatly sense the dude was using a hand held, he did pretty good with it, and the guys who were answering answered realy quick witch was sweet.

If you were watching you would notice that gamespots camera's were among one of the very first camera's let into the toys r us store. You could see where they were standing that there was not many people there at the begining, at least I didnt notice any other camera's, if there was some there it was very few. Sense they were there so early they got a good spot at the cash registers to watch the first Wii be sold, but some goobers pushed in front of them, wich I dont think was a fair thing to do. The camera still got a good shot of the moment where the first Wii was being sold any  ways, becuase these guys are amazing.

I think the guys with the mic's did a wanderfull job of interviewing the people. I think they were polite and considering when all the other reporters rushed infront of them after the Wii was sold the the Tri-force dude, and didnt try to push every one out of there like the rest were doing. If you guys are upset they didnt get an interview after Tri-Force got the Wii, you realy shouldnt be. they did the best they could, and they did a good job of it.

Thank you guys from gamespot you guys rock, I look forward to watching many more live internet feeds from gamespot, becuase like I said before you guys rock. (haha im saying this like there actualy reading it IM INSANE XD)

My Other Pofiles + Counting down 2 Wii launch

Ok first of all i have been checking the count down banner and watching it so carefuly I cant wait to watch the Wii launch event Live. Gamespot rocks in that respect. They pretty much rock all the time but this is what makes them better and different than other gaming web sites. I am crossing my fingers, hoping I wont get cheated out of a rare emblem. Cuzz this is a once in a life time opertunity emblem to get.

My other awesome profiles on the net:

Halo 3 Trailer


I didnt make it, or upload it, so if it says its from me its a glitch >_O cuzz its realy confusing me =/ when it says see more videos from iceempress. But I like this vid any ways check it out.

Emblem problems =.=

Ok my tagger emblem finally updated today, but then I also noticed my good taste emblem is gone o.o; What is up with the emblems these days. Ive also been trying to get the push over emblem by rating all the games I come across as 10. I have yet to get that emblem. It also took for ever for my Convivial emblem to update. I think they should fix these emblem problems soon. I just hope I wont get cheated out of the Wii luanch emblem like some people got cheated out of the ps3 luanch emblem.

Oh and some other news. I saw the Halo 3 trailer on one persons blog recently. Lemme tell ya, it bruaght tears of happiness to my eyes and gave me goode bumps all across my body SERIOUSLY. I love it. ill probably blog it or sumtin soon to share with you guys.

Also herd in another friends blog that the Xbox 360 will drop in price about 100 dollars after November. Wich is great news for me. I have my heart set on the Xbox 360. So I hope now that they will be cheaper soon, that my odds of getting one for christmas are even greater.Becase the cheaper they are the more my parents can afford it. Thats why ps3 right now is out of the question LOL. Im sure its worth the money, but when ya cant afford it, you just cant afford it.