Just have it so perhaps you could make a few blank posts at the top of the page and you can edit in emblems if needbe. Though I suppose you might only need 1 post, in which case just edit all the emblems into that. :) But I dunno, make a few backup posts perhaps if you get something like 200 of them and have loads of rows of 10. :P
I think it'd be a great idea :) Also, would bring together other Photoshop whizzkids and since I'm not so prolific on here anymore, maybe I could be around to see this kick off (in a good way, ofcourse ;)). What are your thoughts?
PS: Dragon and Bdog don't get a say. PPS: Joking! :P
I hear a fair amount of talk that it doesn't run too good on Laptops. Probably a coincidense though since they might have the same power and what have you...
About Banner 3, could it perhaps be edited? You can't see the word Union at the moment :P I was thinking maybe you could put the letters down the right-hand side of The Ultimate Spyro like this
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