Oh yeah, of course there would be awesome spells too. You'd be able to get the strongest ones from bosses, if you fulfill certain conditions while defeating them(Like getting rid of all the surrounding bodies before killing Legion, not just one or two pieces and then going for the core). You'd be able to rebattle bosses you've defeated in a Boss Battle mode(When you've got all of them you'll be able to get prizes by defeating them all under time limit), so if you've missed a spell you can still get it. The other will be either hidden in clever places(Like the powerups in Metroid Prime) or buyable, so no tedious grinding like DoS.
@chang: The weapons will change appearance when upgraded, so if you start out with an everyday sword you might end up with something resembling a flaming Claim Solais, depending on how you upgrade it. Oh, and upgrades like the power of fire will be removable, allowing you to apply it to whatever weapon you like. Clothes, magical armor and cursed/blessed accessories will be plentiful, allowing a lot of customization(and the armors and such won't be completely unbalanced, so you can choose which one fits you play style, such as that heavy armor in PoR that gave you a lot of defense, but slowed you down)
@semi: What, no playable Alucard? That makes me sad... but if Alucard is the bad guy, the could include "Alucard Mode", where you play the game from Alucards viewpoint.
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