Anyone else looking forward to Megaman 9? Finally an old-school Megaman game! The music is old-school, NES-style too, and man, it's gonna be awesome! And I won't even have to step outside my home to get it, I can just purchase some Wii-points online.
Oh, and the guy on E3 just pronounced OoE "Ecclelsia".
AWESOME glyphs... I've always wanted to play as a succubus... man, if OoE is half as good as it looks, it'll blow away all the other CV games NO EXCEPTION(yes, that means SotN too) as well as all other DS games... I want it now!!!
Yeah, that fire attack Maria did was cool. I have really mixed feelings about Judgment now, because it's got good graphics, and the gameplay look fun, but the characters are too few and have bad designs... btw, ya think Shanoa is included in the 14 characters? If she's unlockable via DS(most likely will be) maybe Iga meant that there are 14 chars in the game when you buy it, and Shanoa will be a "secret" char? 15 chars is still bad, but one extra doesn't hurt...
Anyone watching GS live now? They are showing Judgement. WTH the logo for the title look awful.:|Wanderer5
Yeah, the logo looks weird. They should just have kept the old one, which is awesome. Too bad we didn't get to know anything new about the game tho... maybe at the Konami conference later?
You're right, if there's just 14 characters the game's not even worth buying. Not that I wouldn't. Anyway, that info must be wrong, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
When I read Gamespots preview, they said "Konami has promised a line-up of 14 characters in the final version". I hope the info's wrong, but appearantly Konami themselves said so. 14 chars is not much...
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