That was to be expected. It will be just like the PS4 pro with upscaled 4k. Even if scorpio is more powerfull than a pro, it's far from a gtx1080ti wich still has trouble with everything maxed at 4k.
@heqteur: It's the IO performance that really set apart this SSD, but that level of IO performance is most likely completely useless for the average consumer anyway.
@blade256: cut that ram down to 16Gb and cut that Titan X. With the money you just saved, go for a 980ti sli.... If thats too expensive, then 980 sli then.
@Vylsith @Idontremember @megakick One game? If you play at 2560*1440, or triple monitor, or 4K, then almost all the games will need the extra power. Personally, I don't want to go back to multi GPU again. Heats up the house WAYYYYY too much. I've learned my lesson.
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