Instead of crying, they could play along and give a free bone with the console... That would shut up the trolls and make people smile, making MS seem charming/connected to the people and repair their popularity.
@Egamer30 That has nothing to do with paying for live.Remember late last year when the PS3 got earlier DLC for BF3? I don't recall PSN users paying for anything.
You're not paying for extra betas and content , you're just paying for what others get for free.
And if you want to call about dedication, well, for Skyrim, that's got to be the PC where people litterally fix some annoyances with the mods.
360 time exclusive...Well FU MS... And Bethesda for selling out.Good way to treat your customer on other platform.God I hate this. No matter what platform gets the time exclusivity, this needs to stop.
Seriously, if you look at all the details about the ending, it's obvious they had planed a DLC for after the main quest, and by DLC, I mean FULL EXPANSION PACK... Now they simply look like the awesome company who listens to gamers!!!!
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