IdtheGreat's forum posts
shadows collection=7.5-8
my collection
Drake's Uncharted
Assassins Creed
Rachet & Clank TOD
Soul Calibur IV
Devil May Cry 4
(I also had motorstorm, and COD4...not anymore)
eh it might have a fee which i'll glady pay
but i have a feeling since its on sony servers...and its an IP from sony, they just might back it the necessary amount to lag free it
[QUOTE="Poster_11"]Dreven or how ever you spell his name he wont shut the hell up after you kill a boss its like ok i don't care shut up let me keep playing now.
thats who i hate.
lmao so true. after every boss he calls you and tells you this outrageously cheesy "horror" story and just goes on and on and on and on. still my list goes something like that.
1. Raiden- never ever in my life have I seen a character this gay thats the word, gay he is the perfect embodiment of a disgustingly cheeseball anime action hero clone. hideos goal was to have snake the american hero and raiden the japanese hero but DUDE, how cliche and lame can you possibly make something. i especially wanted to punch my tv when i saw him hugging snakes leg screaming some emo **** about how he can't go on living even though he can stop million ton boats (hilariously bad scene in its own right) with his foot and destroy armies of genetically enhanced and yes he ruined most of the story for me.
2. the little girl on the ship. i forgot her name and don't care enough to boot the game back up so i can look. the briefing for each act seems to be where hideo lets his anime garbage spill forth the most and not only do we have to suffer raiden's gayness, we then have to see the most cliche "little girl" anime clone. she does not have a very important roll and niether does she have a ton of lines, but whenever she is on screen i cringe in pain at the cheese and gay meter.
3. as cool as drebin could be, he could also be lame. when he is running his normal cut scenes the character is fine and is usually quite entertaining to watch. however, as someone pointed out, after you kill each boss he likes to give you a call and never shut the hell up. i wouldn't mind if he was telling me something interesting, but he spews the cheesiest, lamest "horror" stories you can find on the planet and all it does is make me want to turn the game off. lastly, i must give out my "worst plot twist" award to drebin at the end. (i wont spoil it even though for those that don't know what it is if i told you you would more than likely laugh in disbelief. this of course does NOT include the main story plot twist the happens at the very end for one reason. its disqualified because its technically not a plot twist even though it tries to be. what i mean is this, plot twists have to make SENSE to be counted as a plot twist. hideo tried ever so hard to wrap it all up into a nice little twist but thats a negative).
with all that complaining you would probably say i didn't like the game and that i don't care for anime. wrong, right. i still enjoyed the game quite a bit. as bad as the story turns at about the half way point, i was still completely blown away by the game engine and the gameplay. there was plenty of jokes that worked (just as many that didn't i guess) and most action scenes were ridiculously intense. i just don't care for the 10 year old boy soap opera style of story telling known as anime and hideo runs rampart with it towards the last half.
um you do realize there were no actually plot twists at the end right except for...the obvious grave scene one and even then who didn't guess that?
the drebin twist ou referred too...wasn't really a twist...because nothing significant in the story changed at all, it just showed you what his true motivation was, which even as he put it, doesn't really change anything.
if hideo had wanted to put some real plot twists he would have. he's the master, end of story
*crosses fingers* let us hope. :)
by the way, seeing as how i don't visit this site as much anymore is there any news of a new Saga Frontier, Chrono, or any of square's old series?
haha but you see even when i look towards the games yet to be released i see game series that seem to be emphasizing combat and visuals over the story (IE the next two FFs, which is a series in which mainly i always found to have good stories but not great ones...i'm a xenogears fan haha).
The game that i'm sort of looking forward to at the moment to see if they do anything good with, is the next tales (which is again, sadly on the 360-i miss having the playstation for RPGS lol)
You bash Mass Effect.. Its an amazing game.Matt-4542
i didn't bash it. it was a good game, but it wasn't as amazing as everyone tried to make it out to be....
Your topic is more a hit on XBOX360 games than complaining about stories in games.Star650
Wanna name some Sony games OP? Those are the games that seem to TRY to dwell into the heart a little more than Lost Odyssey/Mass Effect.Symphonycometh
and to the two above quotes, as much as i love BOTH the 360 and PS3 (i have them both, and like them both...i'm not some sony fan all) the 360 has had more games this generation that fit the bill on what my message was trying to convey. thats the sad part, for the ps3, i can't really even begin to think of any games aside from the aforementioned MGS4 that match to what i was saying. and thats really sad, last generation i would have agreed with you symphony, that the ps2 went for the heart while microsoft went for the fun party factor. But now...ps3 while having a few stellar games, does not have the influx of games the 360 has which hopefully will change soon seeing as how the release of MGS4 is sort of the first of their hard-hitters being released.
eh i went off, point is, this generation seriously flags behind in games attempting to "dwell in our hearts". For both consoles.
and again, the only reason i mentioned more 360 games is because right now thats the console where more games have been released that tried capturing our emotions.
no longer completely immersive and emotionally gripping? The only game in years to have sucked me in and left me with any type of feeling aside from indifference has been MGS4. Have we reached an age where video games are only about graphics and extras?
People will try pointing towards Lost Oddessy, which had a decent story, but in all the emotional gripping segments...were optional reads.
Other people (idiots in my opinion, at least in the realm of story crafting) will point towards Mass Effect, which...while being a slightly above mediocre game had the most cliched science fiction story around with barely any depth to it, most probably because of the very featured hailed by all its fan's it's "choices". And i understand that all stories are in large part borrowed and rehashed, but its the mixing of those new ideas to bring about something fresh that truly matters.
Well to shorten this geeky little rant, do others feel as me that perhaps the golden age where games could have been considered works of art in terms of story telling, as well as visual art, is perhaps gone?
or does anyone know of any future games in which a revival could surge forth from?
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