IdtheGreat's forum posts
do any hdmi cables work for the ps3? and if so which would you all recommend?
also i already plan to pick up Warhawk, and i'm getting Uncharted for christmas, but what game do you all believe i should get out of Ninja Gaiden Black, R&C, Oblivion (although i have the 360 version), and Folklore?
(btw i realise i've asked a similiar question recently, which is how i came to teh conclusion to buy warhawk lol, but yeah anyway also when recommending the game please keep in mind about whatever game you think would give the most bang for the 60
i think you should trade in the COD4 for PS3, UNLESS you would prefer to play online for free. But I'm assuming you've already played it on 360 and built up your ranks a bit. So I would trade it in (or better yet return it to walmart unopened and say it was a gift) and get another game -gamestop rips you off!!! All those games are very good that you mentioned: I would say Heavenly Sword and Ratchet and Clank being the better two. Ratchet and Clank would have a bit longer playability than Heavenly Sword so I would recommend that. If you get the chance though you SHOULD play Heavenly Sword, its a great cinematic experience.
Other games I would recommend: Warhawk! I haven't played COD4 but so far this is best online shooter I"ve played in years and yes I did play alot of Halo 3, but i came back to warhawk since and I'm loving it. Also its not an FPS, I dont know about you but there is a serious glut of FPSs lately so its refreshing to have a game that isnt in first person still be fun.
Resistance is another great game but it is an FPS. Ninja Gaiden, Virtua Fighter, Oblivion are other notables.
ajefferism what would be the best way to go about returning a game not from walmart To walmart lol? because you really hit it on the nail about me already having built up my rank on cod4.
[QUOTE="IdtheGreat"]lol i tried gamefly for about a month and a half, i think i only received two games in that time frame (both of which had been at the bottom of my list), whats more is that it was Tenchu Z (fun game for the first few missions, then ugh), and Ultimate Alliance...and i had sent both back within two days of receiving them. failed=gameflyKoga_316
on their defense its not their fault we choose bad games lol
but all the good games are allready taken though so yeah it actually is.
i had it before,every game i got i returned the next day
now i dont know how im going to play assassins creed and uncharted,renting them at blockbuster or something is like $7 for 3 days thats unbelivably expensive.Wait,doesnt blockbuster have a gamefly type thing.that might just be they do that for games ?
very true, i was sort of naive about tenchu, a friend of mine and bought it, told me it was good, i ordered it and by the time it arrived i found out my friend had already sold it...bastard lol
and blockbuster is movies although i think you can pay extra for games (not to sure though)
but they do give you a monthly e-coupon that allows you to rent a game for free...really not the same but ah well
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