[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]CaseyWegnerPS2, Wii. compare them to PC sales. I dont have to show you that the Yankees are World Champions, its common knowledge.
IkeDavis360's forum posts
because thats the business trend going around. Consoles are way more cared about in the gaming world than PC. The numbers dont lie. Just look at sales.why is the pc being left out?
ALL OF THEM are shooters lol
and metro and SC aren't multiplat?
weak obliterationxhawk27
Fable III is a shooter? :lol:
Alan Wake is one too right? ;)
lulzits on the front page, they just consolidated the gpu and the cpu. Obviously they are going to combine this with Project Natal and offer it as one console, they will drop the price of the current Elite by 50, the core by 30.[QUOTE="IkeDavis360"][QUOTE="dragonfly110"]
insomniac I believe, theres been a lot of rumours going around about it. Forza I dont see happening till MAYBe end of the year 2011, and well I doubt MS would release a slim 360. They just got the current model working fine lol :P
hmm, I guess it could happen then, IDK Im not going to start hyping or anything until theres an official announcement.
totally understand, would you get a 360 slim?[QUOTE="IkeDavis360"][QUOTE="DarkStraberry"]PS3 slim, price cut, a Rockstar exclusive, a Final Fantasy MMO... DarkStraberrythat was last yeAR and the 360 is still winning .. That's my point, we all did it last year, now 360 is forced to catch up. yes i hear you, but again this isnt going to end well for Sony as they had a monster 2009 year and they couldnt touch software sales of the 360 and lost in NPD data holiday season.
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