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Ilovegames1992 Blog

Me vs technology

My Luddite nature has led me to fall to the harsh mistress that is modern technology. Caesar 3 wont install on my laptop, can't get passed the SoldOut part :(

XMen First Class

Got it for Xmas, seems a good film so far but my god i've never seen a biggest deviation from source material continuity in my life.

Just got KOTOR II on PC

Had it on Xbox for years, only one disc, but on PC 4 discs? My knowledge of technology is surpassed by a retarded Buddhist monk so i have no idea why that is the case? Is there more content than the Xbox version i had?

Batman AC

Havent played it in a while so started the New Game mode, thankfully already found all the Batman Riddler **** so i just have to do the main story. I love running around as 70's Batman (the blue suit) and smashing body parts.

I Am Alive

Following this for a long time now after that trailer i saw ages ago, recently saw the gameplay trailer and i have to say it looks like there may have been a few budget cuts. Still pretty pumped for it though.


I have all 6 seasons available on my BT Vision until March. I remember watching only the first two seasons when it was first out and lost track. Through many weird days with a few bouts of crazy sleep deprivation, i have almost finished season two in about 4 days. Geez