YouYankies should of justbombed it into a lunar scape then gone in a stole their oil fields your oil puppet pres wanted an kept us Brits out ......the BIG Probs are in Afghanistan ....
You Yanks need oil wars or else them fat stumpy things below yourwaist may need to start having to walk about
when your young,free an single you *should by law* be out every nite after your hole ..loltrust me once you get snared it makes it harder then
I read all that whinny rubbish as BOO HOO BOO HOO .......IM A BIG CRY BABY ...BOO HOO ...FFS .. grow up
when your young SHOULD BE OUT EVERY NIGHT BANGING them ,different ones every nite ..for real its what your youths there for ..FFS !!!!????Get out an fill your boots an put it around all over town ...Love em an leave ...them .....Never be a fool in luvs young dream , bang as many as your lil fella is able
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