ImageChef's forum posts
I've always wondered why Def Jam: Icon isn't regarded as console graphics king. It's practically photorealistic.;watch-review :PDataleakBecause frankly, people also take into consideration what's on screen as well-> which shocks me as to why people are more impressed by Uncharted 2 than Killzone 2.
I honestly don't understand the gritty statement. It's just not true. The style is more or less the same.The Needle Rifle looks incredible. Can't wait to use it. I've found that for me Halo MP has always been more "fun" and laid back compared other MP games. With all these new additions it's only gonna get better. Last, but not least, the gfx are just awesome. It's cool that they managed to give it a more realistic and gritty feel while still maintaining the colorful look that Halo is known for. The beta is gonna be awesome!
In graphics it sure looks like it. Gameplay im sure will be great. shabab12I don't get it. You say it looks like Halo 3, and you probably said Halo 3 looks like Halo 2, which most said looked like Halo 1? So this game looks like Halo 1 graphically? I fail to understand the logic of you people.
You know, we always talk about wanting sequels of games to change significantly. We beg that sequels not be a refined version of old gameplay, rather you know, different.
I think it's pretty safe to say that Bungie is taking a slight risk here that I say will obviously benefit them.
As a Halo fan, I am both immensely impressed yet shocked. The game is doing so many things that I just wouldn't expect. You can so see beard guy's Shadowrun design influence in this, but in a good way. And I understand you guys mights try to break it down. Running, jetpacks, rolling, etc. So what? However, if you're familiar with the series, or just have a good rational of game design, Reach is going to play quite differently.
Furthermore, while this is a bit premature seeing as how we can only see what they are, not play in them yet- the environments do look nicely designed.
Frankly, this is set to top Halo 1. And many said that about Halo 2, Halo 3, yes I understand, and frankly they sort of did in some regards-- though never wholely. However, as a Halo fan or 360 owners, I feel like this is the definitive xbox title.
And frankly, stop talking about graphics. They're good and look great in first person. That being said they're ideal halo graphics-- clean, good looking, and allowing for big open environments. Is it graphics king? I'd personally say no, but it looks very good and more than that-- we'll be playing it for years. Honestly, I think people overexaggerate this feature. And I truly feel weird going on about this seeing as how they do look good.'s not important.
Anyway, my main point: This is Halo: Reach. It is not simply a refinements of Halo 3. While Halo never made like Call of Duty with changes between iterations, they admittedly never did anything huge. Halo 3 is more of a highly refined version of Halo 1. Many differences, different play.In no way rehashes, but by contrast Halo Reach is quite a large change.
And you know what? They probably have the highest chance ofscrewing up Halo: Reach, much more than Halo2/3. Itappears they are succeeding.
My hype: Better than Halo 1 (in their respective days) + better than best of Halo 2/3 multiplayer.
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