@Diegocr @baconater87 You are lucky cause you live in the US. Here in Poland I will have to pay 3x the price, due to the currency exchange, but I am still buying it Day1 :)
And common people, who wants to play PS3 for another 4 years? I would love to have a new console cycle every 5-6 years. Barely anything has changed in the games for PS3 over the past 3 years. I want something new, something amazing, something that will make me drool on the floor and burst with euphoria :)
It would make sense, if this title jumped to PS4. Too bad GTA5 is being released on PS3 and same with the new GOW. These two games will be my last that I play on my old console :)
It will be 0:00 where I live, but there is no way I will be missing it. Sony will embarass itself if they don't show PS4 and at least a few games for it. I know PS3 is still awesome, but I myself want a new generation console.
Imatyta's comments