I think whats wrong is we always want more. Where never satisfied. I hooked up my snes today. Played star fox. Amd had an effin blast. The amazing fun mixed with simplicity is something well never have again. The future is our fault. Were the consumers. We make the industry go where it needs to go. Our wallets have the power. Not them. Yet we scorn them all for not being good enough. But we still put money in there pockets.Either way, this generation i think will be spectacular. Think of all the new possiblitys coming out 3 years from now :0
Agreed. But i cant truly judge cause ive never touched it. Maybe they should put more wii stations out there. Hmm
Nintendo by far takes bigger risks in innovation then the taller* guys. Unforcunatly i think they should have made the wii u more split with hard core gamers an a reg controller. And innovative leaps like the full blown touch screen. They kinda cut a leg off pushing towards one. Theyll figure something out.
Yeah. Nintendos smart. Very smart. Its NINTENDO. i dont want them to fail. Waiting for my snes ac adapter to come as we read.
Because thats not how you run a business.Its not like a console. Sell at a loss make money on games and digital media.Or maybe they do. Idc shut up. Lol
Scary part is there not gonna sell these games at a loss. So theres still profit here. I wonderrrrr how much. Funny cause there already grest deals. Damn you valueless moneyyyyy!!!
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