what do I want from Black Ops 2, hmmmm, how about a game that doesent look like crap, has a BALANCED multiplayer server system and a multiplayer where everybody doesent use the same 4 guns and perks.
Gears of War 3 had an emotional storyline, who are u kidding, the ending was a perect blend of accomplishment and satisfaction and sorrow over what uve lost
i want to play this game badly, but everyones hating on the ending and its starting to tick me off, so what if it has a crap ending, how many horror movies, books, comics and video games have bad endings?? everybody hates on this ending just because its part of a super popular franchise, am i overeacting or what?
i personally dont like the vita, wait for the thumbs down to arrive, but i think people will still buy if simpy because its sony and it has so many big ticket franchises and series like Uncharted coming to it
if i wanted to only pay attention to the story i would watch a movie, i play video games to interact in a virtual reality, not saying her idea is wrong, it is her own personal opinion after all
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